Thursday, June 1, 2017

Europe's entitlement slaves demand a new culture

  • Many newcomers to Canada and Europe are demanding laws similar to those from which they claim to be seeking refuge.
  • Newcomers soon start demanding privileges. They ask for gender segregation at work and in educational institutions; they ask for faith schools (madrasas), and demand an end to any criticism of their extremist practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriages, child marriages and inciting hatred for other religions. They call any criticism "Islamophobia". They seek to establish a parallel justice system such as sharia courts. They are also unlikely, on different pretexts, to support any anti-terror or anti-extremism programs. They seem to focus only on criticizing the policies of West.
  • It is now the responsibility of Western governments to curb this growing turbulence of religious fundamentalism. Western governments need to require "hardline" Muslims to follow the laws of the land. Extremists need to be stopped from driving civilization to a collision course before the freedoms, for which so many have worked so hard and sacrificed so much are -- through indifference or political opportunism -- completely abolished.
The imported labor theory of paying for past due entitlement spending does not work.  The immigrants never had any intention of adopting European culture, including the part where politicians import entitlement slaves. The net result is that welfare bums in Europe will not be getting their welfare checks, default is the path forward.

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