Friday, September 15, 2017

The value of money

The accuracy by which it prices, does it have a stable granular denomination algebra?

By this standard bitcoin is over priced, it is a lousy pricer.  But ive me a Microsoft Coco and I can make clearing houses for custodial coins.  Then I connect to the existing pass code credit/debit system.  The consortium of separate but equal banks has an order of magnitude more pricing quants b because interbank clearing of branded bitcoin  is an order of magnitude more efficient than block chain.  The smaller consortium of branded cins will close the loops and blockchain becomes uninformed an is used only a high powered cash, a ledger.

Blockchain still only prices central bank hedges, the sandbox concept hedges central banks via S&L technology.  I have no numbers, sorry.  But here is a computable range for bitcoin value if you get it stimulus response function, then compare that to other economic channels.

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