Saturday, October 7, 2017

It's a Dim Kim Family

Kim Jong Un Boosts Sister Within North Korea's Inner Circle

Poison a brother, promote a  sister, machine gun an uncle and a pop star.

It's a great sitcom idea, but we need a 4'2" lead actor with a bowl cut. I should write the musical but I am backlogged. I have the lead title, 'I am Kim, Dim I am'.     The tune,words, dancing;coming to me. I have tall Kimono Japanese dancing women surround our fearless  like god's little toddler.  Leader will goose step around, singing his short ditty of praises to his family royalty with the Kimono girls in chorus.  The Kimono girls in their chorus revealing subtle family flaws and giggling behind his back.  Great opening scene, where is Hollywood!

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