Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Acapulco coin

I invent it, anyone can create it.  One acapulco coin with worth 1/8 of the price of the most commonly rented hotel room in Acapulco.  It is pegged to the median tourist hotel room.

The coin is likely to be created by the hotel association, or the travel agency. The peg is maintained because hotel room rentals are statistically sampled, the distribution posted, and Acapulco coin is bought or sold by the Hotel banker to mostly match the statistics.

Almost every hotel will accept the coin for 1/8 of their median price because the coin is the most accurate measurement of their local constraints.  The acapulco coin is great for room reservation because it is pegged to the thing reserved.

Anyone can use Acapulco coin with their  mobile wallets.  Tech available now.  Reading between the lines, I can say the tourist industry is up to something very close, and it is a good idea.

Create the typical airline flight coin. Use the most commonly purchased ticket.  Peg the flight coin to a tenth of that.  You will become as rich as you can accurately, and frequently sample the statistics and take on the  currency risk.

Stock and sector analysts do this stuff, yesterday.  Judging performance relative the the sector and  market, estimating future price relative to a volatile trend in the industry.  The sandbox just makes their job much easier and they can do their ob over a wider range of segments.

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