Sunday, November 19, 2017

Anyone notice the Texas GOP has gone kanosian?

Nixon said  that,' We are all kanosian now?'   It was a rhetorical question, he asked in front of the usual crowd of koch socialists.

Bringing up the three color pit

Available soon from your local Redneck dealer, andour associates, the Little Browns.

But, remember the three color accepts bets from triple accounters who maintain a tax reserve.  In return they are supposed to get 1.5 more looks at the central bank sheet. Usually they will get close to twice as many looks, they are attempting to quantize the little guys.

But, little guys say, hey,no problem. And so, to preserve government debt cartels everywhere, we have the three color, matching three simultaneous pricing sequences.  Available to governments everywhere, just as soon as central banks support our smart cash cards.

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