Monday, December 18, 2017

Consider the algebra of your basic breakfast joint

Construct the  two color model, a typical sequence of breakfasts coming from the kitchen, and a sequence of customer arrivals.  Both sequences are semi-random, but they have to be matched.  Te restaurant own =er can match them by index, interleaving space in index space.  The manager needs to know the uncertainty of the fry cook, and the typical behavior of the morning crowd.  hen the two queues are mostly matched, then we get a complete breakfast joint algebra.  We get breakfasts per table.  Potatoes, eggs, bacon, pancakes per breakfast. And he gets his line of symmetry, he can move the customers in groups, about the tables, to maximize volume packing.  He has o runway down on the Markov tree, keep short windows then his payment cycle is a small fraction of store rat.

Really, keep the queues sable and you will be packing a sphere somewhere in index space. Your generator is the actual arrangement of breakfast stools tables and family etting.  Run your lay out backwards, driving it with the index integers, and you generate the typical sequence of daily breakfasts. It is a two color  model, if it is a franchise, dd the third color.

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