Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goldman-Sachs likes the 2018 economy

Goldman Sees Crypto, Credit Shadowing Robust 2018 U.S. Economy

Using their method, they get a 2.6% growth rate for 2018,relative to our typical 2.1%.    If I use their method, and assume no requant, then I get about 2.3%, mostly a small boost late in 2018 from the tax reform.

The difference is mainly the costs hitting us in Q1, I think the hurricanes are a bit more costly than consensus, the tax adjustment will causer a bit of stall, and Obamacare costs unexpectedly high.

The difference is important when considering sustainability. The ten year cannot rise at 50-70 basis points next year without causing a stall in the Swamp, in housing and autos.

If we consider quantization effects, then we see that as the business cycle continues, the sequence of gains and losses becomes larger, window sizes grow, folks have to plan out a longer series of transactions.  Windows resizing means both shifts between borrower and depositor , and if we are expanding the sphere, the sizes grow by about 1.5.  We reach the impossibility point, and we requant, shifting transactions across the boundary until we have the closest match to an irrational bit error a the currency issuer, and we can do not better.

California will have to shift their education and medial systems around quite a bit, rather chaotically and we do not have the liquidity, the second derivative. We will stall out here, and we want to keep Jerry alert for some quick actions.

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