Saturday, December 23, 2017

It is that extra, variable carrying cost in labor markets

Intermediaries hold inside information for both hired and hiring. It us costly. The market, otherwise, is  rational approximation, a finite rank generator. Thus, over the business cycle, the labor market gains structure, and the intermediaries are dismissed. Labor structure suddenly gets sticky, it actually gets Shannon locked in one of the Pell number pits. We think labor bracket are forever fixed, but uderneath n one is managing inside information.

So, we get this explosive lay-off sequence when we need t break the quant due to imbalance.  The unemployment rate jumps, suddenly, as we hire all the intermediaries back.    We don't like intermediaries in labor, we alway try and structure them away, like signalling as Caplan would say.

The solution is a  protocol based system of revealing anonymous abstracts of hidden information. Thus we increase the productivity if the intermediary process such hat we are stable three color.

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