Monday, December 18, 2017

Would Mr. K hire an asshole

A Fed official who has been voting against rate hikes thinks he knows why wages aren't rising faster

  • In the first place, the first hiring criteria is: Do not hire someone who uses asshole in the title of a blog post.  
  • Second place, from my perspective, the industry I work for is doing just great, I can help them better via blogging.  
  • Third, if we find agreement, working, for me,  is biking downtown for a software gig on occasion, and to track that I need secure intelligent cash card.

In other words, a lot of us looked at the algebra, where everything fits, in the labor market, and said, "Screw this, nothing is measurable". We are looking at either a regime change, or two lifetimes of toiling at the margin. So, we opt out with tech, sandbox mainly. We don't have two lifetimes.

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