Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Little browns have ID phobia

In 2005, President George W. Bush signed the REAL ID Act into law. Attached to a military spending law, REAL ID mandated that state driver's licenses and ID cards follow federal technical standards and verification procedures issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Thirteen years later, the Trump Administration is finally trying to get full, nationwide compliance.
We have run into a problem. California allows anyone in the world to obtain a state sponsored ID, good enough to vote twice.  We will have this constant problem with California, they are the Venezuela of the USA.

But, California has promised some 150 million people across the globe free medical care. How is California going to get 150  million Chinese heart patients to LA without valid IDs? The problem compounded by all the 100,000 homeless people on the streets of LA, awaiting whatever free medical service the  mayor promised.

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