Monday, January 15, 2018

Stock picking with Alpha Zero

What is nic about the regulated stock market is that much information comes from a small accounting tree describing the typical flow of the corporation. It is a low enough complexity level that evenAlha ero can play a stock picking game. And I am sure Aloha Zero is on the job as we speak.

In sandbox,tht corporate accounting tree i a contract that user can own. It is a protocol that when executed will dip into the corporate account and take your share of digits.  So, as a set of rules, Alpha Zero can readily learn and prune the possibilities, especially with a little sector help from the humans.

We don;t care. We can run protocols from our smart phones and kitchen laptops. Sand box makes it a many-player game constantly revealing hidden information, beyond Alpha  Zero.   But a part of Alha Zero in our wallets or apps can really help sort out the local options we have.

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