Sunday, January 14, 2018

That would be a nail in a blockchain node

Prince Alwaleed Moved To Highest Security Saudi Prison After Refusing To Pay $6 Billion For Freedom:

He is going to pass his account address down from generation to generation.

Which brings up a pint about optimizing blockchain.  One can identify the unused entries, account oaths that have stopped. I should patent this?
Resort the blockchain, create a secondary index on the chain nodes and order those index according to prior significance.  Keep a decomposed copy of the blockchain.  This is like making a secondary index on SQL tables.

Pick the transaction by relative value, in the queue, then take the most likely path through the incides. 

However, soon. The transaction will self sort  on the sidechain.  Each consortia of accounts cross clear without calling blockchain.  But all consortia will compete on the blockchain ledger queue, so their tendency would be self segmen, split the market spectra such that they pay a fair utility price for blockchain.

Note on consortia between accounts.  Remember, the thumpring own the robotic accounts, hence any collection of account that securely agree via multiple signatures, can cross clear securely without double spend. All robotic protocols you have operating are 'owning' your assets, in your name under Hawkin's Law (finite count and timeout). These bots have power of attorney, via your thumbprint.

You, if you say, 'I ain't paying more than a .001 Btc per transaction!", then any set of other humans who agree,immediately become a consortia, and you don't have to pay that. But your group will force themselves to adjust to their median rate and size that fits the collective share of the blockchain queue.

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