Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A two step into full sandbox

Our simple security system of controlling and verifying the processor pipeline makes the escrow router real, with bearer assets.  

Thus, we need only have user security at the end point, then handle protocol selection at the escrow server.  We do not need intelligence at the end points, current hardware wallets, mobile wallets, and even chip cards can be adapted to use the escrow router.

We have simply expanded the concept of miner to the general validation and verification industry, our notaries. They can checksum the escrow processors.

The protocols leave state information on the pipeline chain, and notary verification code embedded as steps in the protocol.  So, the notary get the  checksummed current copy, generated by the protocol itself. The entire verification chain is closed, if kernel operation of the pipeline is secure.

Now, our escrow router reduces to a spanning tree, a block chain of user protocols.  They are queued up in the pipeline, verified, (really back to nested block format). The kernel starts at the tree root, and executes the current protocol until it reaches a pending state, (awaiting a signature, or awaiting a pit call or awaiting a ledger call), all are stable states, guaranteed by completing and testing the finite countable outcomes.

When any current protocol reaches a valid exit, the nortaries are called, and they, by consensus, agree to the protocol chain and validate outcomes, then delete that protocol graph from the nested block.

So, the escrow router is real because the miner industry has a wide opportunity to expand their business into the processor pipeline; and insurance companies are plenty less nervous.  Notaries do block chain, they verify secret keys, they watch the protocol stacks.

We need not await the fully secure, intelligent cash card, nor do they all have to be standard immediately. Current chip cards have much lower card not present error  and the escrow router can complete that process.

We have it, a complete technology layer, and capacity to let the intelligent cash card evolve.

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