Saturday, March 17, 2018

My model of grocery shopping

The structure queue model of the grocery store is semi-random arrivals of trucks and semi-random departures of shopping bags. I am allowed to warp that model into a simple model of a shopper queue and a clerk queue, standard buyer vs seller/.  As if there was a pit boss standing at the check out stand, and both clerks selling and shoppers buying organized to maximize the flow of orders.

The actual theme here is that the buyer pays a transaction cost to enter the store, and once there, leaving without buying is a crawl back, a waste of transaction cost.  Customers and clerks in the chaos of the store, both observe the checkout line, the trade book.  This observation is the key difference between this method and standard queuing methods.

The buyers and sellers bring their chaos to the store, forcing resolution.  It is like a voluntary short squeeze, goods gotta move to exit the store, and all parties forced to match demand and supply to exit the game. The Hawkins black hole concept, no flow no quantization.

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