Saturday, March 17, 2018

Oligarch based banking in Ruskieland

Khodorkovsky, formerly an oil oligarch, now lives in the U.K. and heads the Open Russia Foundation, which is based on George Soros' Open Society Foundation. In an interview with the BBC, he said it was an "interesting question" whether or not Putin controlled the gangs or they controlled him. "Until about three or four years ago, I would have said unequivocally yes, he controls them, he is the main boss of the gang. Now, I would be more circumspect," Khodorkovsky said. "Today, in my opinion, this inner circle within the criminal gang has learned how to manipulate [Putin] quite effectively, and we have seen this demonstrated a number of times."
In sandbox, the oligarchs are free to trade each other, but  their investment utility drops, and they are easily replaced in the economy.   Ruble enforcement is nearly impossible against bitcoin. Transactions get a background discount currency, bitcoin, where every asset exchange includes a bitcoin payment to cover oligarch risk. Sandbox finds utility for bitcoin in all these situations. Sandbox extinguish oligarch arbitrage.

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