Thursday, March 22, 2018

Power of Attorney via secure bot

International Banker reporting on Open Banking standards in UK:
Saturday, January 13, 2018, marked a significant milestone in building a better and more open future with data when the United Kingdom’s Open Banking Standard 1 came into force—ushering in a secure set of rules, technologies and standards that allow customers to give companies other than their banks the permission to securely access their accounts. 
 For the Open Data Institute (ODI), 2 the Open Banking Standard represents a constructive step, helping consumers to take greater control of their own data and offering the potential to change banking services for the better by improving access, driving innovation and encouraging competition.
If I have a trading sequence, I would like the secure pipeline to lock my bank account so that I may treat the funds as bearer cash.  Even my ownership of a public stock is a trading sequence utilizing automated deposit of funds in my person account from funds in the  corporate account, which I own.  This creates a much different legal system, ownership by personal contract without re-assigning funds to a trusted third party.

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