Friday, March 16, 2018

You're an idiot and the first one shot

Hdre we have grandson beating family to death. Likely the result of dingbat daughter running off with dysfunctional male earlier.  So poster claims if family had unregulated gun maybe they or some of them survive, not. In that case, the NRA gun nut grandson already has a gun, or he already knows where the family gu is kept, the they are all shot.  Bearing Arms is one of those unregulated gun distribution advocate, they are the terrorist organization by advertising the nonesens in the post.
In other words, this one man allegedly beat the other four to death. He didn’t need an “assault rifle.” He didn’t need a handgun. He didn’t need anything except brute force to murder four members of his own family (allegedly).They were beaten to death.Do you want to know why I’m an advocate for gun rights? It’s because a firearm is the one tool that could have stopped this attack. It’s the one tool that any of those four could have used to stop this person who murdered them in one of the most brutal fashions possible.

Here is a stat. By definition mass shooters outnumber mass victims by 5-50.  Of the dead people, about 30% believed, like this idiot, that more guns for everyone solves the problem.  Why? It is the other part of the Second.  If you are allowing the free flow of guns then you had better always be a regulated militia in action because you will be defending against you own idiocy, a huge enemy. 

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