Friday, July 13, 2018

How's my tax battle going?

Well, I have informed another group of dysfunctionals that they are going out to the street, courtesy of their vote.  

I already have cash offers on their home, they are fucked courtesy of the  Kanosian crowd here in Calizuela.  I dropped the evictions, leaving that to the new owner at a discounted price.  All the dysfunctionals are preparing to walk the streets and drop drawer for a living, they will die soon.  So mass murder, as well as forced migration ate the min tools of the Kanosian crowd.  I had nothing to do with it, they enginerd the war crimes all by themselves.

Monday I am clean, cleared of having to manage the dysfunctionals, they are now the property of the state.  My tax lawyer does not give a shit about the homeless, he just wants to limit the governments take and collect a fee.

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