Monday, July 16, 2018

Meth kid, thrown in jail

Kid gets out, age 20, he is clean naturally.  He stayed that way, still is clean.  He knows he will have disabilities for a couple of years, but he can get by and he could recover.  But his support is one of the landlords, gave the kid a break and cheap illegal rent and checks up on him.  

Slumlords, we put the homeless in the nearest safe, enclosed space. It is a lot better then Kanosian Skid Row in LA. We bridge the gap, government could help any of these souls without a cost four times slumlord rates.

The cops threw this kid in one of the better jails, nearby.  It works because they cannot repeat the same behavior over and over, meth is difficult to bring in. Like camptown, put them into an environment where the old behavior does not work, even for a few weekends a month.  They are not drug addicts, they are just like those couples in England.

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