Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Cal Supremes will be over ruled

During oral arguments in the case on May 29, the justices nearly universally agreed with claims by city labor unions that it was illegal for then-Mayor Jerry Sanders to push the Proposition B pension measure onto the ballot in 2012 without labor negotiations.
This is a state restricting the free assembly of a citizen

The US Supremes will rule it invalid.  It is directly invalid, and indirectly via the 14th and due process.   The San Diego mayor will get support to push this to the US Supremes, it is not over. 

The Cal Supremes take a stupid chance.  If this goes to the US Supremes, the the entire law for union oversight of legislatures will be tossed.

The larger problem is that local budgets are restricted y this union oversight, and iof cities go belly up, then Sacramento gets responsibility since their law caused the problem.

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