Saturday, October 20, 2018

Command files for join

My shell can execute the following file:

set LAZYJ 0 json.txt 1000
set TEXT 1 grammar.txt 2000
mode All

Which is a command file for the simple join console.  This file sets up three cursors and join the first two, being the left,right. The third is output, the  console . It sets the mode to collect all matches. Then we call join call join.  There are two utilities, list displays parameters for all active cursors on the list. Type tells me how many attachments are active.

All I need to know is something about what arguments the attachments want.  MEM needs no files, it starts empty, like the null database.  LAZYJ and TEXT both work from files, unless the console iio is active.

My output will always be a structured graph of all matching paths.

Sample output from the list command.  It gives the relevant state variables for each cursor in te active list. Cursors come in triples, and multiple cursors can be active in different triples, just dup a cursor for the same attachment.  This gives me the capability to run the multi-level text analysis.

:  0  0  LAZYJ   3   None 1105a00
:  0  1   TEXT   1   None 1105f06
:  0  2 CONSOLE   4   None 0
:  3 Empty
:  4 Empty
:  5 Empty
:  6 Empty
:  7 Empty
:  8 Empty

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