Friday, December 7, 2018

Building consensus in Linux Power Screen

Well it would be:
LockBase(int * argc, void * args[]);

The loaded sub system that has that at entry will be loaded up to do whatever the user thinks will happen.  In the enterprise it can be a simple Forth directive to lock all the bases for an update. That would be rtue in any sytnax because each system has the 100 lines called ConsoleLoop(argc,args); which has access to the local locker and reports back.  For any given syntax the native thing locked would likely be its own initialization files. Hence the system self locking regardless of the syntax chosen, but Forth fits well here.

Everything boils down to a system wide assembly format, the command sequence. Locking makes it a system wide full duplex controlled channel, great for the enterprise control. It becomes a sort of virtual method demanded of any syntax attached, the ability to maintain consistent semantics across the enterprise.

The console loop will needs its own internal, sustained lock flag that it may inform the loaded syntax to lock is init files. Enterprise control maintained.

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