Friday, December 7, 2018

Distributed sqlite with blockchain

All parties have the current version of the sqlite data base, they have sqlite methods, and they have a block chain.  Anytime consensus is reached, by all, on a block chain transaction, then the destination sqlite sequences are executed by everyone.  The lock chain is infinite, just like bicoin, so there is an infinite roll back and history over the set of bases.  In the enterprise, the consensus algorithm can be simplified by having fewer trusted miners.  Small groups can use a finite block chain, like a small group of developers who read the code anyway, they just need local consensus.

A great idea and I am sure the sqlite folks will like it, they are well sited. The bigger point is that consensus algorithms are a bigger world for us sand boxers, bigger than just the one form of block chain. With crypto badges we prequal for much of the validation and, therefore, specialized trusted miner applications abound, especially related to power of attorney authorizations.  Users can sign up for restricting contracts with banks, get special investment opportunities in response.  User prequaled to buy and sell power of attorney based share contracts. wealth become liquid as actually S&L currency, under PoA.  All driven by deeper use of crypto leading to better variety of consensus methods.

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