Friday, December 7, 2018

Not expanding but compacting in place

From the old,physicist at Stanford:
In a series of recent papers and talks, the 78-year-old Stanford University professor and his collaborators conjecture that black holes grow in volume because they are steadily increasing in complexity — an idea that, while unproven, is fueling new thinking about the quantum nature of gravity inside black holes.

And this:

Indeed, in 1972, the Israeli physicist Jacob Bekenstein figured out that the area of the spherical event horizon of a black hole corresponds to its “entropy.” This is the number of different possible microscopic arrangements of all the particles inside the black hole, or, as modern theorists would describe it, the black hole’s storage capacity for information. 

I should get part of that banana.   This was hinted at by some new math that shows under extreme compression we reach a phase change beyond which the future path is unknown.  My theory is that we get a five color system in the quasar. Anyway, still reading. the article and it is nice being agreed with for once.

Researchers are still puzzling over the implications of Susskind’s thesis. Aron Wall, a theorist at Stanford (soon moving to the University of Cambridge), said, “The proposal, while exciting, is still rather speculative and may not be correct.” One challenge is defining complexity in the context of black holes, Wall said, in order to clarify how the complexity of quantum interactions might give rise to spatial volume.
Spectral whitening theory, the same theory used for Quarks. The same theory that sandbox uses to pack trade space. The vacuum is trade space.  Those folks need to come work with us physicists at Redneck U. I went wrong thinking the five color was unstable and quasars begin emitting degenerative three color, hence the world as we know it. But some amateur proved a five color sorting and now I need more theory.

Krugman got a Nobel; prize for noticing the effect, trades channel are whitened by a pit boss. He still doesn't realize what he found. The compaction effect is the mechanism for Solow residual. We get the same equilibrium, but find it with greater accuracy. The effect is pronounced in financial markets, it is the basis of chart analysis. The effect explains the Golden ratio as the optimum ratio of two complementary packing queues, as seen in hyberbolic solutions at maximum elasticity. It is the basis of value added chains, the basis of neural sequence generators and neural nets in our heads. Rank jumping is the singularity effect, same as the black hole. And the effect explains why the checkout lanes at WalMart are bound in length almost everywhere. It is the theory of the no arbitrage pure cash layer in sandbox, how we auto price.

The math will look an awful lot like my math for approximate graph coloring, what our pit boss does. it is why we build join machines, complexity management in semantic graph.

The single statement of theory

There is an extremely large set of vacuum quants under pressure which force them to collectively compute a more accurate version of pi.

This theory fits all, simply because it defines sphere packing which is the fundamental here. Under an entropy maximizing force, there will always be one current version of the optimum complexity graph, any other is an adiabatic transform. And it is why tree roots grow the way they do.

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