Friday, December 7, 2018

Xchars OutStr

Basically took the xcb_image_text... call and wrapped it in an argc,args[] call. Noe how I handle the argument index in the set up.
// This version of Xchars keeps the window_t and grahic context in the loist
// xchar_win, a list of open windows.  Any subsystem may open a windows, but the Xchar keeps only only one X server connection.

/// OutStr ID str x y str
int OutStr(int * argc,void * args[] ){
    int argi= *argc +1; // skip command
    int id = atoi(args[argi]);
    xcb_gcontext_t gc = xchar_win[id].gc;
    xcb_window_t  window = xchar_win[id].window;
    har * label= args[argi+1];
    int16_t  x1=atoiargs[argi+2];
    int16_t  y1=atoi(args[argi+3]);
    *argc +=5;

        /* draw the text */
        xcb_void_cookie_t textCookie = xcb_image_text_8_checked (connection,
                                                                 strlen (label),
                                                                 x1, y1,
                                                                 label );

        testCookie(textCookie, connection, "can't paste text");

//Now here is the Xchars entry point:

int Entry(int *argc, void * args[] {
    if(!strcmp(args[0],"Init")) Init(argc,args);
    else if(!strcmp(args[0],"OutStr")) OutStr(argc,args);
    else if(!strcmp(args[0],"NewScr")) NewScr(argc,args);
    else if(!strcmp(args[0],"DelScr")) DelScr(argc,args);

It is the Xchars command loop and it is found by ConsoleLoop when Xchar is loaded:

LoadModule xchars;

Then ConsoleLoop will automatically call:

Stepping into the entry point before continuing to loop. 

This whole module comes in at 200 lines, but it gves me a simple two dimensional screen for strings. My ConsoleLoop is all of 75 lines of code. So, right away I am light years ahead of any terminal emulations.

Any subsystem called can throw up an xchars window for output, using a separate args list of its own, if it is signaled to do so. The scripter also can take standard strings back from a sub system call and present them on a window quite easily. The scripter is loaded like any other module.

We can see that making a two dimensional adapter for gdb is quite easy once we decide on a simple, low foot print scripter.

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