Saturday, March 23, 2019

I was right about this

Buying Stock in Tech Building Blocks

For corporate customers, API providers are paring down the hulking software packages that characterized the first generation of enterprise tech sold by the likes of SAP, Oracle, and IBM. Purveyors of APIs reduce these packages to their simplest component parts: Lego-like modules for communications, payments, content management, electronic signatures, and more. Customers get the same proposition that made cloud computing so attractive. Someone else handles the humdrum tasks, so they can focus on what matters. Uber and Lyft, for instance, owe much of their breakneck growth to the fact that they could turn to APIs for navigation, sign-up, and transactions.

Everything I was doing taking advantage of the 64 bit address field.  This is all a Moore's law thing.  Code is on the right, look at universal interface, the commons, and the high speed table lookup front ends.

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