Sunday, March 24, 2019

Quantums on my mind

Delong tracks this stuff, bless his heart. And I like reading Weinberg, which leads us to these new equations:

Lindbladian is the most general type of Markovian and time-homogeneous master equation describing (in general non-unitary) evolution of the density matrix ρ that preserves the laws of quantum mechanics
The density matrix. I call these compact generators.

Go backwards and they end up describing an energy limited swarm of bees traveling a smooth ocean surface that can subdivide properly.  The data guy makes sure that finite summations always follow the minimum path to fixed point along any line of symmetry. Sort of.

It includes quantization of environment and subject under test (it has an implied pit boss) . But it is likely a general theory of self sampling, color whitening, error bounded systems. Sandbox stuff, more AI.

The real uncertainty in self sampled systems

Two compact generators cannot simultaneously sample the each other to adequate band limits. The equivalent to the Planck uncertainty in position and momentum.

In the sandbox this is the round robin wait time inherent in pit pricing and ledger certification, it causes congestion. Managing the congestion causes the hologram effect. To compare physics and market is to compare a five bit computer with a 16 bit computer, the scale so different, markets are forced into constant requantization to maintain adiabatic condition (bound the market making risk).

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