Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Our new foreign policy

Trump on Monday took to Twitter to respond to critics of his recent decisions.

"Let Syria and Assad protect the Kurds and fight Turkey for their own land," he wrote in one of a series of tweets on the subject.
"Anyone who wants to assist Syria in protecting the Kurds is good with me, whether it is Russia, China, or Napoleon Bonaparte. I hope they all do great, we are 7,000 miles away!" he wrote.
"I would much rather focus on our Southern Border which abuts and is part of the United States of America. And by the way, numbers are way down and the WALL is being built!" the president tweeted.
Good points.  We have a slew of failed Hispanic states causing us similar problems. Just the other day 28 Mexican police were ambushed and killed by cartels. The same cartels who deliver cheap meth and fentanyl across America.  Now which party is going to volunteer us to bet back in the middle east mess when Liz is busing our kids to chemical warzones?

The Kurds need drones, Israel should send them drones.

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