Monday, October 14, 2019

Spectral analyisis by hoopshots

Another great chart from Menzie. The problem is to find symmetry in  the blue bar and some spectral moment in the short time series.

My spectral points are hoop shots, I have short lay ups, mid field jump shot, and mid court hail marys.  In two prior sequences there was a sharp drop, a lay up.  I do not see that today, but in the first part of the chart, the complete basketball play is missing.

I see evidence of a downward trend, a open field jump shot.  I have one complete sequence with that event, and an incomplete sequence on the right. But two downward trends were halted with a period of doldrums. The long shots from mid court are inconclusive news.

Conclusion. The sharp drop, and a significant downward trend are not apparent. But a slow downward trends is obvious and we will have periodic doldrums.  If I Huffman coded that data, I would see a couple of skew points in an otherwise balanced graph.

I am likely wrong from my past period and I never bet on myself.

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