Saturday, October 12, 2019

Your pentagon papers moment

Five ways Trump's Syria decision spells trouble
The administration insists Turkey will be responsible for detaining ISIS fighters, but Brett McGurk, who resigned as Trump’s special envoy to the anti-ISIS coalition in December, warned Turkey “has neither the intent, desire, nor capacity” to manage ISIS detainees.
“Believing otherwise is a reckless gamble with our national security,” he tweeted.
If you were a Wa Post reporter on first seeing the pentagon papers, this sentence would be a Whoo! moment, good for front page.  Today we get it in real time, sometimes seeing the e mails before they arrive, or getting the tweets real time.

Anyway, Turkey is releasing the I\SIS fighters, the beheaders.  Everyone knows this, so why don't folks who care get the camps moved, asap?  Because the Kurds, and some Turks,  are the only groups doing abstract thought.  Iraq, Syria, and Iran; all stuck doing sectarianism, none of them ready for self rule, especially the Iranian bearded one. The Kurds own the ice line, they will be the smartest of the group. Iranians and Turks come in second.  Measure the migratory distance from Egypt to the ice line. Note how prudent are the northern nations?  For good reason.  One needs abstract though to navigate the cols snowy winter. In winter you need to ready for spring, in fall, ready for winter. You need to know navigation over long white frozen land. You have to make fire fairly easy, store fuel, find clothing, build sturdy shelter.  And self govern.

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