Friday, March 2, 2012

Back to query syntax

OK, I have tablename all by itself returns the table. Internally the model is to convert that to the binary, @tablename,_ the second null operand being valid. Now that tells me that the null thing (I have it as null link and/or null key value). But the null thing must mean transparent pass and collect, in our vernacular. So, is it always a transparent wild card? The null thing, I think, is going to be context specific, it does some known default in the situation it finds itself.
Next on the query chain, tablname.varname, gets me the convolution of tablename with varname, presumedly the thing named varname. Do be frightened, that is just the formal way of saying, look up the method given the object. But, it is still a binary table operation, the _@tablename,varname, but the second table likely will be in memory. This runs the table returning variables labeled varname. There is more, more done that I don't know about, and more that others will define, or stuff defined I don't quite get. But this much is not bad, fairly easy.

How about my Lazy J quote, "Bag of key words", one or more keyvalues in quotes, we get tablename."bookmarks phones" tablename could be a single nested store of three lists, each with their own format; in other words, a Json graph. t in bound form, that syntax naturally matches the top level set, and on match, imediately has the state needed to descend. tablename."joe jeff".address. Hmm..?? I don't quite get it myself, I am not there yet. Do I get the address of either joe or jeff? I would think so, but this is a bit out of my range. Note, in the default the grammar uses position. The whole concept will emege fairly quickly. Json folks are halfway there.

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