The Sound Project

Here I have some basic macros for open office macro to generate wav files from a music score designed on them sheet.  The principle is simple, create an array of  beats in  X by notes in Y, on he sheet.  Then call the MakeWave macro with that array as an argument.

The system is designed to be a simple  musical accompaniment for music students.  It is an on going project, and likely will be complete in a day or two from Oct 1.

Updated/.    As of Oct 10, a majpr re-org.
And on  Oct I simplified the MakeNote routine, but have not tested it.
I broke the code into three modules,one for tones here;  one for manipulating tab score, here; and one for writing out the wave file, here. (Which is this page)

I also have a wave reader, not included.


Global maxV as Single
Global minV as Single

CONST locRate = 1
CONST locVol = 2
CONST locRepeat = 3
CONST locTempo = 4
CONST locBeatCount = 5
CONST locMode = 6
CONST locCollectRate = 7
CONST locSpares = 8
CONST locFilename = 8

CONST  rateBeat = 16

Global Const ratioTaper = .15

Global marginStaccato as Integer
Global testMask as Integer
Global fileName as String
Global commandLine as String
Global fileSize as Long
Global volume as Single
Global iNumber as Integer
Global sampleRate as Long
Global tempo as Integer
Global repeatCount as Integer

Global SamplesPerBeat as Integer
Global SampleCount as Long
Global BeatsPerMeasure as Integer

Global SamplesWritten as Long
Global TotalBeats as Integer

' iTones are the original arguments

Global BeatBuffer(12,2) as Byte ' beat counter and modifier

Global posFileStream as Long

' Default are dimensioned according to  Calc
' Allowing substitution ofdefaults for Calc arrays
Dim DefaultArgs(1 to 10,1 to 1) as Variant

' Turn on or off various effectds
CONST AttenuateBit = &h01
CONST AlignBit = &h02
CONST StaccatoBit = &h04
CONST TestBit = &H80
Global opMode as Long
'  Set default for missing arguments

sub argDef(A as variant)
y  = Array(1024,10000,1,4,16,7,7,0,0,0)
for i = 1 to 10
A(i,1)  = y(i-1)
A(locFilename,1) = "c:\users\anthony1\data4.wav"
end sub

' Never called, actually
Function InitWaveModule() as Integer
'MsgBox("Module wave init")
InitWaveModule = 0
end Function

  ' Main macro Entry point
  ' WriteScore does the work, but this entry point
  ' sets up default assignmentss for optional arguments
  ' then calls WriteScore
Function MakeWave(Optional args, Optional score, Optional ledger)
Dim repeat as Integer

' Set defaults for missing arguments
' Have yo have TonerCouny
if IsMissing(ledger) or not IsArray(ledger) then
ToneCount = 6 ' Using theguitar strings
ToneCount = ubound(ledger,1)
If IsMissing(args) or not IsArray(args) then
end if
If IsMissing(ledger) or not IsArray(ledger) then
end if
  If  IsMissing(score) or Not IsArray(score) Then
TotalBeats = 6
TotalBeats = ( Ubound(score,1) * Ubound(score,2) )/ToneCount
  end if
  MakeWave = CloseWave()
  end Function

' Finalize the file.  Write the file size to the header.
Function CloseWave() as Integer
Dim commandLine as String
Dim samples as long
fileSize = LOF(1)               ' Get the actual file size.
samples = CLng(fileSize-8)
Close #1 ' Close the file.
    commandLine = "c:\Users\anthony1\sounder " + fileName
    msgbox "Play Chunk Size: "+str(samples) + " Beats: " + str(TotalBeats)
CloseWave = 9
end Function

 '  initialize Wave parameters
Function  InitWave() as Integer
Dim byteRate as Long
Dim bitSize as Integer
Dim numChannels as Integer
' Set up our parameters
bitSize = 16              ' Bit Size is 16 (CD-Quality).
numChannels = 2           ' Stereo mode (2-channel).
         ' We're going to make a 1 second sample.
fileSize = 0              ' Just set it to zero for now.
iNumber = FreeFile

 testIndex =0

if FileExists(fileName) then Kill fileName
' Open the file.  This will fail if the file exists.
Open fileName For Binary Access  Write As #iNumber
'Open fileName For Binary Access Write As #1
' Write the header
Put #iNumber, 1,  "RIFF"        ' RIFF marker
Put #iNumber, 9,  "WAVE"        ' Mark it as type "WAVE"
Put #iNumber, 13, "fmt "        ' Mark the format section.
PutOrder(CLng(16),17,4)          ' size of header, always 16

PutOrder(CLng(1),21,2)  'Wave type PCM
PutOrder(CLng(2),23,2) ' two channels
byteRate = sampleRate * 4
Put #iNumber, 37, "data"        ' "data" marker
SampleCount = SamplesPerBeat * TotalBeats
PutOrder( CLng(SampleCount*4),41,4) ' Sound sample, two byte, two channels
posFileStream = 45  'Follows header, plus Microsoft counts starting at 1
end Function

' Accept an array of arguments from the spreadsheet            
Function ArgWave(x as Variant)

  Dim i As Integer
   Dim k As Integer
  Dim dr as Single
  Dim dt as Single
  Dim dk as Single
  Dim mask as Long

    Dim a2, b2, c2 as String
     maxV =0
    sampleRate = x(locRate,1)
    volume = clng(x(locVol, 1))
    tempo = x(locTempo,1)
opMode = x(locMode,1)
fileName = x(locFilename,1)

SamplesPerBeat = sampleRate/tempo
marginStaccato = SamplesPerBeat * (1.0-ratioTaper)
    repeatCount = x(locRepeat,1)
    BeatsPerMeasure = x(locBeatCount,1)
    testMask = x(locCollectRate,1)

    argWave = 9
  end Function

Function WriteScore( Optional score) as Integer
Dim val as Single
Dim sum as Single
Dim beat as Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim k as Integer
Dim i as Integer
Dim repeat as Integer
Dim ScoreRow as Integer
Dim ScoreColumn as Integer
Dim current as Integer
Dim hits as Integer
Dim count as Integer
Dim phase as Single
Dim cNote as Byte
Dim MeasuresAcross as Integer
Dim LedgersDown as Integer
Dim temp(12) as String

' The score sheet is a lis of measure across and down,
' the composer can ros and ros of musice ledger, each ledger
' having the numbe rosw equal to his tone set
' And all that is subject to a repeat couny
' The Measures across is not needed at the moment as there are
' no operators defined at the measure level
' But I leave it in for later
MeasuresAcross = (uBound(score,2)-lBound(score,2) + 1)/BeatsPerMeasure
if measuresAcross = 0 then
measuresAcross = 1
BeatsPerMeasure = uBound(score,2)-lBound(score,2) + 1
end if
LedgersDown = (uBound(score,1)-lBound(score,2) + 1)/ToneCount
  For repeat = 0 to repeatCount-1
    For k =0 to LedgersDown-1
  For m =  0 to  MeasuresAcross-1
  ' For each beat in the measure
for iCol = 0 to BeatsPerMeasure -1
'For each note in the current beat

ScoreColumn = iCol + m *  BeatsPerMeasure + 1
'for i = 0  to 10
      ' temp(i) = score(i+1 + k *  ToneCount, ScoreColumn)
      For iRow = 0  to  ToneCount -1
      ScoreRow = iRow + k *  ToneCount  + 1

' Write the beat out to file

  for count = 0 to SamplesPerBeat-1
  sum = 0.0
  hits =0
        for iRow = 0 to ToneCount -1
                cNote = BeatBuffer(iRow,0)
        If cNote > 0 Then
        hits = hits + 1
        val = ValPhase(iRow)
        if opMode and StaccatoBit and cNote = 1 then
        val =  Staccato(val,count)
        end if
          val = 0
          end If

          sum = sum + val
          Next 'row
' Now equalize for the number of tones to eliminate clipping
if(opMode and AttenuateBit) then sum = Attenuate(sum,hits)
        SamplesWritten = SamplesWritten + pcmWord(volume*sum)
  Next ' each sample

  ' Clean up beat  buffer
        for iRow = 0 to ToneCount -1
        if BeatBuffer(iRow,0)  > 0 then
        BeatBuffer(iRow,0) = BeatBuffer(iRow,0)-1 'xxx
        BeatBuffer(iRow,1) = 0 'Modifier
          Next     'each tone
          Next ' Each beat in the measure
  Next ' each measure acrosds
  Next 'Set of Ledgers down the score
  Next ' each repeat
End Function

' Termination of a note, this can become a score symbol
' Simple algorithm, take it to zero in eight samples after the termination point
Function Staccato(val as Single, sample as Integer)
Dim margin as Integer
margin = sample - marginStaccato
if margin > 8 then
val = 0
if margin > 6 then
val = val /2
if margin > 4 then
val = val/1.5
if margin > 2 then val = val /1.2
Staccato = val
end Function
Function attenuate(val as Single, num as Integer) as Single
Dim temp as Single
CONST maxPCM = 32768

Attenuate =val
if num = 1 then
Attenuate = val
elseif num = 2 then
Attenuate = val * .75
elseif num = 3 then
 Attenuate = val * .5
elseif num = 4 then
 Attenuate = val * .3
 elseif num > 4 then
 Attenuate=val * .2
end if
if(val > maxV) then
maxV = val
'msgbox str(val) + " " +str(Attenuate)
elseif (val < minV) then
minV = val
'msgbox str(val) + " " +str(Attenuate)
end if
End Function

' Every cell from the score sheet goes through here
' The routine finds the beat count and relative pitch
' and handles both of those in the
' on a Per column basis, it fixes the pitch buffer and
' beat buffer.  The beat counter remains in the bea buffer
' and is counted down over the next few columsn until
' it is zero.  Meanwhile, it emits tone.
' The pitchbuffer is set, once per column
'Const beatString = "eq h   w        "
Const beatString = "qh__w____"
 Sub  MakeNote(note as String, row as Integer) as Integer
Dim k as Integer
Dim beat as Integer
Dim offset as Integer
Dim modifier as Integer
Dim s as string
k =1
beat =  InStr(beatString, lcase(Mid (note,k, 1)))
k = k + 1
if beat > 0 then
if Mid(note,k) = "." then
beat = beat + beat/2  ' allow dotted notes
k = k + 1
end if

      s = Mid (note,k, 1)
      offset = Val(s)
      if "0" <= s <= "9" then k = k + 1 ' If the note had a one digit  step value
      if offset > (stepsGet()-1) then offset =  stepsGet()-1 ' maximum steps is currently 6

   ' modifier not used now
        'BeatBuffer(row,1)  = Asc(Mid (note,k, 1))
  BeatBuffer(row,0) = beat
  end if
    MakeNote = beat
    currentDeltas(row) = iDeltas(row,offSet)
End Sub

 ' pack a pcm value identically into two channels
Function pcmWord(val as Single)
Dim upper as Byte
Dim lower as Byte
Dim count as Integer
Dim i as Long
Dim pos as Long
pos = posFileStream
i = clng(val)
lower = &Hff and i
upper = (&Hff00 And i)/256

put #iNumber,pos+1,lower ' Basic starts counting at 1
put #iNumber,pos+2,upper
put #iNumber,pos+3,lower
put #iNumber,pos+4,upper
posFileStream = posFileStream+4
pcmWord = 2
end Function

' Reverses the order, from system order to wave format order
Sub PutOrder(val as Long,pos as Long,size as Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim b(8) As Byte
Dim mask as Integer
Dim temp as Long
temp = val
For i = 0 to size-1
b(i) = CByte((CLng(255) And val))
val = CLng(&Hffffff00 And val)/256
put #iNumber,pos+i,b(i) ' Basic starts counting at 1

end Sub

 Function GetElement(x,optional i,optional j)
 select case x
 case "Center"
 GetElement = Center
 case "Notes"
 GetElement = LedgerSequence(i)
 case "SampleRate"
 GetElement = sampleRate
 case "SamplesPerBeat"
 GetElement = SamplesperBeat
 case "LedgerCount"
 GetElement = ToneCount
 case "FilerSize"
 GetElement= fileSize
 Case "SampleCount"
GetElement  = SampleCount
 case "Scale"

 GetElement = mid(scale,i,1)
 case "Ratio"
 GetElement = MagicRatio
 end select
 end function

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