Friday, September 30, 2022

The Pelosi exemption

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) on Friday called for new Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill after top House Democrats scrapped plans to vote on legislation banning lawmaker stock trading.

Baltic gas pipelines feed Russian Army

 Gazprom was wholly government owned and European gas sales was their income source.  That is where the army gets fed.

The generals know who dunnit, Putin's adopted son. The general are not kindly about a Chechen run Russian government, the Stalinists.  That was 20 billion in pipeline possibly lost of the repairs are not done soon. Almost wholly own by the state ministry of defense,

Putin will be facing a hostile crowd from the military.  The generals have found heir fifth column.

Putin's fifth column

He complained about them early then fired 200 Fsb agents. Putin got it a bit backwards, this fifth column are the Europhiles in Russia, most of the  western 60 million who like Europe. Gazprom was the most supportive of europhiles.

I would expect a bunch of sabotage by the new generation of agents. But they are now scattered, running en mass from the new Stalinists.  

Putin was really the fifth column, actually had a legal contract on that. His buddies include Chechnya, which looks increasingly nice as an oil hub.  Putin's bunch was given some immunity to pursue oil deals, but Ukrainian war hardened line and we have civil war.

One of those blunders, accidentally starting a civil war. Historians can only look at the broad rends of these blunders over history. But they always do it.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Camping in Frisco

Advocates sue San Francisco to end the removal of homeless camps

There is a business here, dusk to dawn camp sites. After hours, rent out the parking lots. Cheap tourists are your target demographic.



The mobilization wiped out s fifth of the Russian prime labor force.  Drafted, escaped, or waiting in that queue.  Putin had already snarled the system with his erratic war maneuvers. Sanctions are only forty percent effective, but very inconvenient. Oil less profitable, and now some 20% of your labor force gone from White Russia.

To top it off, we have a civil war inside, and the pipeline war was an internal battle in Russia.  Giant .compromised  Russian oil companies are at war over where the Russian state should spend development.  one major seems to be using mafia tactics.

These kids are escaping a possible Stalinist take over.  A lot of this was thrust into Russian politics with the Ukraine blunder, and it  is likely quite chaotic inside the Kremlin. The two over powering state agencies are the army and FSB.  The army does not want to be the cause of Stalinism. The army wants ans exit.

The Pelosi exemption was a hard sell

Democrats scrap plan to vote on stock trading ban before elections

McConnell, seen here staring at Sinema's boobs,


has allied himself with those breasts.

Grift first, policy second

Democrats’ effort to stop lawmakers from stock trading has a potential loophole

The Pelosi loophole they will call it. How would a determined leftist like AOC tolerate taxing the poor to fund the rich? I dunno, I await her vote on the matter.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Reverse psychology

 Medvedev Says US, NATO Won't Intervene If Russia Uses Nuke

Medvedev really wants to egg US, NATO  on so they keep threatening Putin. Medved is not a big Putin fan on this.

War ending?

 So far:

  • Two negotiated retreats by Russian.
  • Ukrainian army over loaded with removing abandoned equipment
  • Russian general have fled the battle field
  • Russian troops isolated in smaller units with bad logistics
  • Putin is not coming back from vacation
  • Russian ministry wants to end the war and rebuild their officer core.
  • Russian military patriotism is taking a big hitg from mobilization failure.

The Russians need a professional army, they have a bunch of stans to the east..  The army needs a truce. The generals can dismiss Putin, the only group who can. The generals do not like Putin. Orderly return to status quo ante, without Putin.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

She will drive Italy straight into default crisis

Liz Truss is a ‘huge fan of the United States’

She is Banana, does not believe in adding and subtracting. Her regime sort lived.

We are talking about doing the full Geek thing.

Soros will earn billions, I am sure

Pound Flash Crashes 500 pips To Record Low Amid Global FX Carnage As Things Start Breaking

Tories in the UK make a habit of printing up tons of pounds for George Soros.   It is in their party platform.

Bananas always run up the budget deficits.

Italy voters shift sharply, reward Meloni’s far-right party

Banana Republicans everywhere have one simple failing, inability to add and subtract.

Who in the Kremlin is running the assassinations?

Death of Russian oil exec highlights suspicious ends met by those who crossed the Kremlin

I doubt Putin would initiate assassinations of a bunch of grumbling oil execs. These are FSB style kills, Putin may be forced to go along. Is the head of FSB trying to a Stalinist takeover?

Lyman and Kherson are falling to the Ukrainians

 That is both north east and south west corridors lost. Russian divisions in the south separated and trapped. The roads to the Crimea closed.  Russians are back to where they started. The only thing is dispute is how badly the Ukrainians want Crimea.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Ukraine has air dominance

 In the videos, more of them flying in odd places. They have crossed the Russian border, and have worked in southern Crimea. They have chased the Russian fleet back.  That leaves another 40000 Russian troops isolated in south Crimes. Putin is fearful of losing Crimea.




Held by whom?

NYT: Putin taking operational command of Ukraine war, orders Kherson held

Putin's Russian command has fled Kherson back to the Crimea. The surrounding infantry support os cut off from supplies, weak and in defensive position.  All we have in Kherson are local Russian loving cops.

Holding on the Kherson means getting those troops supplied. Good luck on that.

The Bannon wing of the Banana Republicans

‘Trump Is a Messianic Figure in the QAnon Calls’

Banana wing of the Republican party

 Donald Trump says 'stupid' Biden administration could trigger World War Three with Putin over Ukraine, and predicts US would LOSE conflict to Russia

Still supporting Putin.

I can see Putin's point about Russia being squeezed.  The answer is free trade corridors, negotiated among nations. Now we are getting an attempted Stalinist state, good luck.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Something rotten in Denmark..

 A lot of oil execs and industry execs, all insiders, have been dying.  These did not seem to be outspoken anything, but insider industrialists in the Putin circle. These killings go back to Mar when Putin fired 200 FSP agents. I think he has a civil war, silent but deadly.

The losses add up, 10 dead, 20 fled, 120 hide in denial.  Add to those losses, the entire Russian officer corp almost gone.  Who is left standing? The FSB. On top of these losses, they are still snarled in logistics, and have a Russian peoples revolt over mobilization. Their southern army trapped north of Crimea, surrender terms keeps them from starving. It has been two weeks.; Russia is going to pieces, fast, faster than we realize.

Hat styles are regulated in Iran

Tehran regime fears massive new demonstrations on Friday

One ten year old boy was dismembered for wearing his baseball cap backwards.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

My point

Russians rush for flights out amid partial reservist call-up

I doubt the first recall of a reservist has happened, but the airlines are jammed! There will be passenger trains, going the wrong way to war.  It is  month to unsnarl what they have just snarled. The Ukrainian lines are expanding, becoming robust.

Russia cannot do this through the winter.
At least 876 protesters have been detained in 38 cities across Russia as protests swept the country on Wednesday following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decree to call up more Russians to fight in Ukraine.

And across Russia, many do not return to work, hiding from the selective service. And Ukraine piles on by offering safe haven. Putin being Vietnamed, the same ignorant bunch of bureaucrats.  One pities the human race they seem to devolve.

My hometown in the news


Fresno City Council president appears in court for arraignment

Rigged the real estate permit process somehow.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Putin Partial

 He wants to conscript the reserves, and a lot of that  are Russian. More hassle then its worth.  Russians proper are split, tracking down and organizing military reserves is months long, fraught with civil strife.

A bit late, some of the newer war maps have Putin's troops across their own border, the wring direction.

Russia Hurries to Tighten Grip on Occupied Ukraine, Ups Stakes

He upped no ante, this move is at best neutral to the war. He loses a lot of internal support. Putin is forcing these Russians to turn on a dime to the new Russo-China axis. Most of them liked Europe, few hated Ukraine.  Putin is making their feelings turn to action. Russia is in mid logistical nightmare, a little resentment easily jams up the works. Too little, too late.

Generalisimo DeSantist and his insurrection

 DeSantis is trying out his presidential pitch, and it's a good one

Facing the Californians for Swamp control. We be seeing lots of war maps, proposed militia moves..

DeSanitis is the Italian version of Banana, did you know?

Monday, September 19, 2022

Ukraine seems to be routing Russian troops almost everywhere

  • Some report I run across say the Ukrainian air force now has dominance over the skies.
  • Russians increasingly cut off from supplies.
  • Russian troops refusing to fight, in full retreat.
  • Winter favors the Ukrainians.

It might be all over in 2023.

A huge fat turkey in the coalmine blocking all the exits

 Canary In The Tax-Mine? California Sees 11% Drop In Revenue

Trump really is the president

You may not like it, but Marjorie Taylor Greene is right

Tom Knighton claims we have a mistaken identity problem.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Civil War

Biden warns US democracy threatened, but how can he save it?

  • Geralisimo DeSantis crossing state lines to attack Venezuelans in Texas
  • President of the Confederacy Trump selling nuclear secrets.
  • GOP supporting our sworn enemy.
  • GOP forming militia convoys for an armed attack on the capital
  • Bannon leading a regiment of 20,000 armed confederates
  • Greg Abbot exporting weapons to our southern enemies
  • And terrorist mass shooting supported by Texas and Florida and Virginia
Joe can handle this with a few F-16 attacks on the two state capitals. Bannon will fold, the man is an ignorant coward. Special forces pick up the scraps like Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone and Peter Thiel. Run the rest of that crew on down south to Mexico. 

 If Ukraine can handle Ruskie then certainly we can handle this loser bunch of rebels.

Should the Swamp execute Trump?

Rosenbergs were convicted for giving U.S. nuclear secrets to Moscow, and were executed June 1953,” he added, by way of caption. No further explication was offered.

I guess at this point anything goes. 

There are no Venezuelan boat people arriving on Florida shore

‘Huge mistake’: DeSantis’ migrant transports could undercut support in South Florida

All Florida has are Cuba boat people. So DeSantis has to cross state lines, assert Florida jurisdiction in Texas to ship Hispanics into Massachusetts.

How did his advises miss the commerce clause in the Constitution?  Why isn't Abbot taking credit to save the DeSantis butt?  Bananas do some pretty stupid stunts.  

Jeffrey Lord  from News Busters is about as stupid as they come. He never mentioned that these migrants were from Texas, not Florida. He is pure idiot.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Post Roe?


In a post-Roe world, state legislatures have the power to protect reproductive rights

And this:

Religious psycvhos have yet to explain the result when fully working artificial wombs become available. The solution they are setting is a very expensive factory of live fetuses under state ownership. Good luck with that.

I have no solution. We are heading to a major dilemma.

Peter is waiting for Godot

Peter Thiel asks for a ‘positive agenda’ but politicians don’t care

From Trump to Godot, what a transformation.  Damn near looks like a socialist these days.


Violence In California Reaches "Epidemic" Levels As Our Society Rapidly Deteriorates All Around Us

Our collective IQ in the USA is dropping rapidly.  We will have to turn the economy over to the bots soon.

How can the GOP handle the Banana problem?

Cracks in GOP emerge over abortion policy and messaging

A feint

Exclusive: Zelenskiy accuses Russia of war crimes, sees no early end to war

He has them bottled up, Putin soldiers will not last a month.

In case it was a mis-diagnosis

King stands vigil; Wait to see queen’s coffin hits 24 hours

Hillary making faces was what scared me the most


A little botox and she coulda been prez.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Yes, yes and more yes

Gavin Newsom Challenges Ron DeSantis To A Debate On CNN: “Name The Time Before Election Day”

I was thinking the same for weeks, what a great debate, Franciscan vs Banana. They are not my first choices, I always look to the median state for my candidates.  But I am a 'Anybody but Kamala or Trump' voter, and I will take these two.

DeSantis is bonehead, the IQ difference between the two is about 15 points.  But compared to Trump, these two are geniuses.  They are both governors, a bonus.  So, let's go, get on with it.

Putin is screwed

 More troops do not help, HIMARS can reach almost all of Russian held territory.  

War is over.  All their southern troops are isolated from logistics and have no more than a week until surrender. The Ukrainians can isolate the Crimea, making Putin the absolute loser in the war.

The US military supplies exact locations of Russian depots and each one of blasted in turn.

The Ukrainians are pressing on. Russins trapped in the south.

A slap in the face for the bonehead:

India's Modi tells Putin: Now is not an era of war

The Kerch Bridge from Russia to Crimea is useless to Putin.  Supplying Crimea does not help Putin since moving up from the bridge makes the troop convoys a target.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Horse manure


Gov. J.B. Pritzker, right, and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot look at each other during a press conference in the Greektown neighborhood, of Chicago, where Pritzker announced that he signed a disaster proclamation and called on the Illinois National Guard to support over 500 migrants who were sent by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott since

These immigrants are nothing but good news for Chicago which is otherwise headed toward Detroit status. Spending a little money on them now results in much greater taxes later. These two boneheads are about the most destructive pair for Illinois.

Putin turns Russian into Chinese vassal state

Putin thanks China’s Xi for his ‘balanced’ stand on Ukraine

And the 60 million white Russians who consider themselves Europeans are non too pleased. 

A good stunt

 White House Calls GOP Governors’ Migrant Treatment a ‘Cruel’ Stunt

The stress of immigration is spread out to all the cities willing to help. The sanctuary cities are helping, as they promised.  No one is complaining , there is no problem, this is acceptable and practiced by both sides.

Blogger says Trump's threats bring on big problems

Trump says criminal charges against him would unleash 'big problems' in an allusion to violence

An allusion to rebellion leaders being shot by national guard.

Women and friends of machine gunned children

New poll shows O’Rourke within 5 points of Abbott in Texas governor race

Bananas have no brains.

How did Venezuelans get to Florida?

Immigrants land on Martha's Vineyard; Florida's DeSantis takes credit

They must have taken a boat? The idiot media does not ask this obvious question.

Quite the boat trip!  Did they navigate though Cuba? Just a commercial boat? How???

No validation of Venezuelen immigrant boat people in Florida.  They are coming from Teas, folks.  Think any of these reporters have a clue about geography?

Apr 8, 2022 — A group of Venezuelans walked to the U.S.-Mexico border through Central America. Then, they couldn't find shelter in South Florida and lived ...

Ron De Banana is the correct term

WATCH: Crist calls Florida GOP gubernatorial opponent 'DeSatan' in surfaced video

Ron is the current Banana Supreme.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Biden Beats Bananas

Biden approval rises sharply ahead of midterms: AP-NORC poll

The Lindsey Graham effect. Lindsey should keep his Banana ideas to himself and the repubs might get the Senate.  The man is not too smart.  

And this is what Bananas do to their party.

Where is Joe?

Hunter Biden cries poverty in trying to slash child support for 4-year-old

If I am Joe Biden then I welcome mom and grandchild into the white house all they want. Screw Hunter, Joe get a grandchild, what is not to like?

Selgin on monetary policy

He spends ten minutes talking about what is wrong:
1) Primary dealership system
2) Treasuries only policy

Then, in summary he needs one sentence:

Currency bankers offer a liquidity swap between supplier and demander of liquidity. 

We know how to run a liquidity swap. The real question is why does his audience seem so stuck on an unstable system.  Why does George need to explain all this? How did his audience become so stupid?  The problem is solved by about two hundred line of Solidity code, the techies never got stupid in the first place.

Detroit II

In the space of just seven weeks in May and June, Chicago was hit by a pair of corporate defections: Illinois’s richest man, Ken Griffin, announced he’s moving the home of his $57 billion Citadel hedge fund to Miami and Boeing Co. said it would pull its headquartersfrom the city. Caterpillar Inc. also decided to move its global headquarters to Texas from the nearby suburb of Deerfield.

This was coming

Milk, Diapers and Checking Accounts: Banking Comes to Walmart

He will cost the repubs the senate

Graham creates unwelcome political problem for McConnell, GOP

Gen-Zers want to avoid voters regret

 Commentary: Congress may soon have its first Gen Z-er. He gives young people like me hope

Once the Gen-Z voted to approve the bailouts, they get stuck with huge interest costs.  Then when it is time for a deal, the opposition will say," But you voted for this crap"

Putin breathing Swamp gas at the Kremlin

Exclusive: As war began, Putin rejected a Ukraine peace deal recommended by aide - sources

Folks in a power bubble lose their mind.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Californians are wearing out their welcome in the swamp

Summers Prefers 1% Jump

It hs been a series of California bailouts and everyone is tired of a feeble Prez dominated by Kamala.  If we dump Joe then we get a Banana.  At his point, Powell and Summers would prefer to keep the rates high enough to shut down both groups.  The Swamp is t the end of bankruptcy court and will be selling more assets, like western land.

The biggest Fed rate hike in 40 years? It could be coming next week.

Swampers have gone too far. He wants to stop both parities, Banana or Californian.

Meanwhile, Texans are exporting Bushmasters and Street sweepers

Chinese Manufacturers Get Around US Tariffs With Some Help From Mexico

China may save us from Texans.

Tuckier Carlson has gone full stupid

Tucker: By any actual reality based measure, Vladimir Putin is not losing the war in Ukraine. He is winning the war in Ukraine

Trumpsters are really like this?

Monday, September 12, 2022

We missed an opportunity to shoot the bastard

Exclusive: ‘I’m just not going to leave’: New book reveals Trump vowed to stay in White House



Sudden stop when the ten year yield is 3.36%

Ugly, Tailing 10Y Auction Prices At Highest Yield In More Than A Decade

If you do the numbers on this,  6% of worker incomes are needed just to cover interest costs. That is a nationwide strike showing up in a sudden stop at the Swamp.


Putinism may be ending

Many major news networks are reporting on a mutiny underway in Russia.

Too many bluffs got turned on him.
Not just the war, but the sudden decision to turn back on Europe, thus trashing trillions in investment.

Drug cartels running wild in California

A woman’s killing shines light on Mexican Mafia power struggle in Inland Empire

All of them pals with Kamala

Yes, Banana republicans love Putin

Zelensky says it’s ‘not even possible’ that Trump did not recognize Putin threat

Dunno why, he has always seemed to be a fake to me.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

The same Rand Henderson who supports the shipment of bushmaster to the cartels?

Texas sheriff: Fentanyl is a WMD - and Biden's border crisis is the delivery method
Montgomery County Sheriff Rand Henderson says the illicit drug fentanyl that’s pouring into Texas through the southern border should be labeled as a “weapon of mass destruction.”

We know where the cartel assault weapons come from.  We know the Sheriff's support having cartel members having Bushmasters.

Texans suffer cognitive dissonance, especially their sheriffs.


We all knew this from the start

Ukrainian official claims southern offensive was 'disinformation' to distract Russia from real offensive in Kharkiv

The Ukranian spoof was well discussed for two weeks prior on twitter.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Putin takes a set back

 He lost a key cross roads and he had to send a column down to Crimea.

He is close to status quo ante.  He should hit the table now, or he might get tossed at the Kremlin. His position precarious.

This is the headline from Reuter's:

Ukraine retakes territory in Kharkiv region as Russian front crumbles

Putin has little time. Making table arrangements takes a month, his troops could be in a massive trap.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

If Abbot is right then why is Abbot exporting Bushmasters to the cartels?

Beto admits Abbott is right about troops on the border, vows to keep them there

Abbot selling Bushmasters is aiding and abetting the enemy. Abbot should be arrested by the FBI, hung and tried in some order.

Perp was a low IQ republican

Local official arrested in Nevada reporter's slaying


My favorite lefist


Nice suit. Yes, run for president the campaign will be a load of fun even if you win.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Says the certified snake oil saleman

Oz says he would have certified Biden’s win over Trump

Horse manure will not re-elect Joe

Watch: Biden Says He "Ran To Restore Decency, Honor, And To Treat People With Respect"

Dumping Kamala will do the trick, but I doubt decency helps, she will be screaming and bawling all the back to California.

Thiis is Joe, the old time cold warrior

 US Expands With New Base In Oil & Gas Rich Syrian Province

Joe dreams of taking Syria from the Ruskie.  He wants Russian military decline.

Wrong attitude.  The issue today is Putin, Ruskie made an error in keeping him in power, but otherwise, Ruskie citizens mostly wants to be a norm European nation.

Putin screwed up badly, and his economy is rife with increasing theft.

Six Months of Putin’s War Unravels Russia’s Superpower Image

The conflict has laid bare the limits of Russia’s military prowess, even if its economy is holding up better than expected.

Monday, September 5, 2022

I don't think so

Governor Dunleavy Addresses Fentanyl Crisis in Alaska

Alaska is a one city state, Anchorage. That makes Alaska a small town with an existential problem, and they are not likely to survive.

The young generation has no idea who Ralph is!

Ralph Nader Thinks People Aren’t Paying Attention to His Progressive Agenda

The old generation thought he died years ago.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

This is Trump v Kamala

Biden Poised for Attack on ‘MAGA’ GOP With Prime-Time TV Address

The two bone heads represent to polar opposite terrors to the median states.  Anti politics, you need the one to scare the opposing party.  

DeSanits will take this, the least of the bone heads. DeSantis is moved a bit center, and he will have appeal as the alternative.

I wonder what Gavin and the teachers are plotting. A Trump v Kamala election is our worse nightmare.

Banana Republicans have no crossover appeal

McConnell-Scott feud bursts out into the open

McConnel knows the problem.  
Scott has no crossover appeal and is stuck with Bananas ever since he let that kid shoot up the high school. Scott should be permanently shunned for blaming the Swamp when he was the one passing out Bushmasters. He caused the mass shooting then he goes into Banana Welfare bum mode.


Biden’s prime-time speech: Trumpism threatens democracy

The movement rhymes with Dumpster.

Texas politicians admit their own stupidity

Texas’s situation is sufficiently dire that in July, a majority-Republican panel on the state legislature voted unanimously to require the state water planning board to consult with the state climatologist as it advises cities in planning to meet the state’s water needs in the future.

Whatever needs to be done about the drought, Texas politicians say, do not listen to us. 

Neglected economists get their name on Syndicate Article


Are the Democrats Bouncing Back?

It is only important to read the author names. The article itself is the usual boiler plate.


MOSCOW, Sept 1 (Reuters) - Ravil Maganov, the chairman of Russia's second-largest oil producer Lukoil (LKOH.MM), died on Thursday after falling from a hospital window in Moscow, two sources familiar with the situation said, becoming the latest in a series of businessmen to meet with sudden unexplained deaths.

The sources confirmed reports by several Russian media that the 67-year-old had plunged to his death, but the circumstances surrounding his fall were unclear.

This is more of a business deal than Ukrainian politics.  Putin and pals make their money by siphoning state  oil revenue. 

UN declare Xi Ping Pong to be commie rat

China’s Uyghur abuses ‘may constitute crimes against humanity,’ UN finds

But he left Russia with Mongolian rule and Putin.

Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who changed the world

We would have preferred the Soviets under Gorbachev.