Sunday, March 4, 2012

Entanglement makes a physicist look horrible

The hits just keep on coming for electric vehicle (EV) maker Fisker Automotive Inc. (Fisker). An investor is suing the company for alleged fraud and breach of duty in the sale of company stock.
Fisker makes great looking EVs but they just cannot keep their books in order and now they are being sued by an investor by the name of Daniel Wray. Between October 2009 and April 2011 Wray bought about $210,000 in unregistered preferred Fisker stock. A nice investment in a company that looked to have potential, that is until things began to go south for Fisker.
Source: Gas 2.0 (

Fisker Automotive, a private company based in Irvine, Calif., has received a $529 million loan from a Department of Energy program designed to fund the development of alternative vehicles.

Arnold Kling is following the fiasco. But my question is entanglement, Energy Secretary Chu must have forgot simple college math. Right? How did he forget quantum physic whoch would have told him that government hand is too heavy.

Chu's problem, entanglement. Inside of DC, in the bureaucracy, thought is trained, controlled to a certain path.

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