Friday, April 27, 2012

The Json Join Kernel

I haven't posted anything. Currently I have worked the issue regarding saving a fetched object for multiple fetches later during a graph join..  The problem was the kernel fetching a net object thousands of times, not a problem in the lab,but it needed to be handled. So I keep Json trees around in memory, as a data base, and they have their own cursor context.  The left me pondering name spaces for some time, and how much do I want to upgrade the local symbol table. So mostly pondering.

No luck on getting  ISP service. Fresno is too chaotic at the moment, in the middle of a statewide restructuring. We are being over run by out of town meth heads, and recently jail released meth heads.  Thus happening right when we are on the edge of bankruptcy.  Asa a result, the ISP providers fear churn, and I fear it too. So me and the ISP providers have an agreement, do nothing in Fresno until the politicians sort out the welfare mess they created.


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