Monday, May 11, 2015

Generic bot coins and bitrcoin recordkeeping

Bitcoins are generic botcoins with perfect precision. They build up the polynomial that generates all previous bitcoin transactions numbers.  The generic banker bot operates with finite imprecision fixed by its interaction with other banker bots or fixed by humans. It generates the polynomial that remembers all transactions,up to some precision. The generic, finite precision botcoin will die gracefully if its connect users go away.

I will write up a duplicating bank bot on my algebra machine and is will maintain the finite ratio with a compacts power series that generates the original sequence of numbers, to the maximum number.  It just needs to count to near to one in fixed fractions, each digit separated by one variance adapter, log(1+[Nmax/error]^2) where error is determined by how close the number got to one, without exceeding. Adjacent bots in the chain will constantly adjust their relative separation.  They adjust accumulated r'' to make the flow conditions accurate.

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