Saturday, May 30, 2015

My new hero, the yardstick physicist

Caltech mathematician Matilde Marcolli and graduate students. Her research says:

The Ryu-Takayanagi formula relates the entanglement entropy in a conformal field theory to the area of a minimal surface in its holographic dual. We show that this relation can be inverted for any
state in the conformal field theory to compute the bulk stress-energy tensor near the boundary of the
bulk spacetime, reconstructing the local data in the bulk from the entanglement on the boundary.
We also show that positivity, monotonicity, and convexity of the relative entropy for small spherical domains between the reduced density matrices of any state and of the ground state of the conformal field theory, follow from positivity conditions on the bulk matter energy density. We discuss an information theoretical interpretation of the convexity in terms of the Fisher metric.
I have heard of this Fisher metric before.
Tells us how the significance of x changes when we count x on some smooth surface having a coordinate system. This is what got her the TOE job, she the idea of optimum divergence. But, we can skip smooth surface can't we? and go straight to bandwidth matched. Go from probability to spectrum. Use the Shannon idea that any large collection can be broken into a series of bisected set, which are inclusive in one direction. Make that a sampler, for the complete sets and the incomplete sets, and get an index on both. The second sequence of sets is the round off error, and makes the fermion. Define boson and fermion by capacity, in units of relative sample rate. The sample rate being convergent in one and divergent in the other.

Once you have conditions on matching sample rates, go to interactions of finite elements, described by their 'chemical potential' , otherwise known as bubbles overlapping while compressed. Everything is local, and you go straight to hyperbolics, skipping the information part altogether.

The requirement on set distribution is sufficient to make a stationary Lagrange point, which is at least elliptic. We get our Reimann Grid. In otherwords, Lagrange theory is half done, I think. Then set distribution is maintained by quantum entanglement, equivalent to sample rate matching, adjusting the bisecting point from one set arrangement to the next. Straight to constrained flow, get to constrained flow ASAP, then write the book: Having fun with finite hyperbolics. We get Winnie Coopers version of TOE.

The paper begins with this:

One important development in this direction was
the proposal of Ryu and Takayanagi [1, 2] that the en-
tanglement entropy (EE) between a spatial domain D of
a CFT and its complement is equal to the area of the
bulk extremal surface Σ homologous to it

Now this seems like irrational approximation with rational ratio.

But anyway, I would not go near my hero until I have completely digested this paper

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