Saturday, June 25, 2016

America's new grammar

Daily Caller: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill issued a guide this week which instructs students that Christmas vacations and telling a woman “I love your shoes!” are “microagressions.”  
 The taxpayer-funded guide — entitled “Career corner: Understanding microaggressions” — also identifies golf outings and the words “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” as microagressions. The UNC Chapel Hill guide, published on Thursday, covers a wide range of menacing microaggressions — which are everyday words that radical leftists have decided to be angry or frustrated about. Christmas vacations are a microagression, the public university pontificates, because “academic calendars and encouraged vacations” which “are organized around major religious observances” centralize “the Christian faith” and diminish “non-Christian spiritual rituals and observances.” 
The new book of grammar tells us:

In February, we brought you an article on developing critical habits of mind and practice through understanding implicit bias. While implicit bias encompasses “thoughts and feelings that occur independently of conscious intention, awareness, or control” [1]; microaggressions occur when these internal thoughts manifest during interpersonal interactions.
Microaggressions are “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial, gender, sexual orientation and religious slights and insults to the target person or group” [2].
In other words, microaggressions can be comments that unintentionally diminish the work and accomplishments of coworkers or they can include body language and nonverbal cues that appear dismissive, hostile or insensitive. We may not even be aware when we are perpetrating a microaggression, but for someone who experiences them regularly, microaggressions fit into a larger pattern of being treated like an outsider.

Like with Sotomayor, you know they picked a dufas Puerto Rican.  But if I keep quiet what happens?  Everyone thinks female Puerto Ricans are all Sotomayor dingbats,We create a different form of bias.

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