Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Boom time for psychoanalysis

AEI again:
According to government statistics, only about 17% of adults are considered to be in a state of optimal mental health — the rest, apparently, need some kind of professional assistance to achieve optimal “wellness.” At the opposite extreme, severe mental illness afflicts 4% of the population. Mainly diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar (manic-depressive illness), or major depression, such individuals are chronically or periodically unable to care for themselves or are suicidal. At times, they may be dangerous to the public.

The plan is for Obamacare to provide us all with our personal analyst, Texas will pay for it.  This will help California sell the Obamacare special around the world, so  all you lunatics analysts frauds, come on out to California, put up your shingle, bill your clients, California sends the bill to Texas statehouse.

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