Saturday, June 4, 2016

Texas secession back in the news

AUSTIN, TX – Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount of Brenchley, thinks Texas should secede from the United States. In his native Britain, voters are preparing to decide whether they will remain in the European Union. Here in the United States, Texas just last month considered putting secession on the ballot. The Republican Party of Texas killed the measure. This week, Monckton — former adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher — pushed for Texas independence in an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller.
Monckton is a prominent conservative voice on issues such as climate change and the possible collapse of the U.S. dollar. Why does a British political figure advocate Texas secession? In short, Monckton views Texas as a lifeboat. He believes that America is on the verge of being overrun with Islamic invaders which will be accompanied by “imminent” financial destruction. He advocates Texas secession, or what he calls “Texit,” as a way to preserve the best of America. Monckton has become a regular presence in Texas conservative politics in recent years. On one occasion, he drew a crowd of over 15,000 to a race track in Houston. The crowd chanted with calls to make him governor of Texas. Monckton begins his case for secession by highlighting the flaws in the American system: 

California is planning the charge Texas for its world wide Obamacare program.  Yet, California also plans to unite with Mexico, according the Jerry Brown, John Perez  and Nancy Pelosi.  The various secessionists need tom  have a talk.

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