Thursday, August 24, 2017

Not true, Simon Wren

This carries over especially into Japan's economic and financial situation. As a percentage of GDP the government here is carrying more debt than anyone else on the planet. At one quadrillion yen, the debt level is so high that it now takes thegovernment 43% of its central tax revenue just to pay interest this year.
But Simple Simon says:
But what happens when growth finally raises inflation, and interest rates rise. Will debt not be a problem then? Maybe, but only in the long term, so the government will have plenty of time to fix that roof when the sun shines.

Simple Simon is back on Magic Walrus and fails to note the volatility in interest charges.  The Japanese government is absolutely debt bound.  The Yen has become increasing useless as a pricing currency in the local economy, most price variations being used to manage government interest charges.

Most governments in he USA suffer the same problem, virtual bankruptcy because of past debt or pension obligations or unpaid entitlements obligations. The deadlock you see in Congress is repeated across municipal governments in California.  

Governments have become economically unresponsive.  Virtual bankruptcy of government is everywhere in the developed world, the result of Magic Walrus delusion.

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