Saturday, August 26, 2017

Stockman on the debt ceiling

But perhaps this time it will be even worse. The Goldman Sachs Regency in the White House would readily sign up for the skinny bill and three-month punt. They are flat-out desperate to keep the casino at bay and the stock average from plunging.Assuming that the Donald doesn’t blow-up the proceedings on a skinny bill, the maneuvering for a December deadline would be where the rubber could finally meet the road. That’s because there would need to be at least a $1.5 trillion debtceiling increase just to make it to December 2018 under current tax and spending policy.The Treasury will need to borrow $500 billionor more to replenish its depleted cash balances and to pay back the funds which allowed it to pay the bills since March 15. The Treasury will be running upwards of an $800 billionannualized cash deficit between now and December 2018.

 See the estimated interest charges, 200 billion more than we pay now.  There  will be no private investment, we will need all the wealthy to cover the interest charges. Janet will be needed.

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