Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Atomic swaps across ledger services

We are ultimately stuck in needing a processor with a secret key unknown to any human party.  I think a reduction of the problem gets us there, though someone else can prove it.  But implanting a secret key in the processor open up the concept if escrow router and the great simplification of bearer assets.

Let us compile the swap routine (or any multi-party protocol)  to exactly fit into the processor pipeline with the two initiating instructions:

CRC check the pipeline using a public key derived from the secret, 
and continue to next instruction.  

We can see that the pipeline will result in any predicted stable state, if the protocol is sound.  Further any party can check the actions against the static, public code. This idea is what spectre is all about, making the pipeline secure.

Who guarantees the secret processor key?   

Now we need the miners to collectively validate the proper kernel can  generate a secret key and hide it under a kernel call as long as needed.  In other words, once every so often, the processor will generate a secret key under the watchful eyes of a bunch of 'digital notary publics'. (The correct name for a miner). These 'digital notary publics' will verify the kernel code protects the secret key, makes it u readable except for crc purposes under kernel protection.

Just create the class, digital notary public, tell them that the first 1/3 of them who can validate the proper key setup for a processor get a fee.  I other words, let us just generalize the function of miner to an  general digital notary.

This method gets us to the escrow router and bearer assets using today's version of Intel SGX. Security in only improved when Intel produces hardware to match, but we do not need to wait.

And, we get a systematic way to sure  processors for a variety of protocols,  including the pits.  Any processor can request a new secret key from the digital notaries, they will simply reactivate and check the secure 'crypto boot 'of the processor. We end up with notary bots, and the digital notary business, part of and associated with the counterfeit patrol and digital insurance. processor get policed to the core.

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