Here is the article. (HT EngGadget)
"That seemingly innocuous vehicle pictured above (along with an approximation of a future model) is developed by France's Robosoft, and has apparently proven itself successful in the limited uses it's been put to so far..." A UTube link to Robucab videos, and another.
Robocab utilizes technology from the Stanford Research Institute, which is package in, of all things, box software by Karto Robotics.
Here is another version in design.
I am still holding to my claim, Ultra's Podcars will soon leave the concrete track and join us on the road.
We suffer a paradox in America. Home foreclosures continue unabated. The consumer is beng forced back into urban settings, abandoning suburbia, leaving the streets empty, taxes down, states and municipals bankrupt. But states and municipalities tell us that we cannot obtain efficiencies in the "last mile" because robotics interfere with personal driving. But what personal driving if suburbia is vacant!
Rather then waste the vacant suburban tracts, lets convert them into test environments. Design the automated home delivery vehicle, add the robocaps, put sensors in the streets and let the robots take over. Once the consumer observes that his personal freight and person commute can be handled by the robovehicle, he will safely move back to suburbia, and we will no longer be "Stranded in Suburbia"
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