Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Revenue backed transportation bonds

How much revenue can the Superhighway generate?
Using my technology architecture, (or others too!) the meridian of the I-15 lane should generate a billion a year in just local LA - LV traffic. We could ramp up to that in five years, the architecture is that simple and flexible. Start building the meridian along flat desert corridors where space supports multiple lanes. Make connects with a single lane if need be, the traffic control will be flexible and optimum. Get with the park and ride to ramp revenue even before it is fully extended.

So, ramp up to a billion in revenue in five years, difficult but the five year rate is very low when these cheap technologies increase density and speed along the right of way.

The trade here is to support a fund the buys meridian and shoulder right of way, create the wholesale traffic space market. There is another market, for traffic light priority, a gift from the technology. Like a virtual Superhighway lane, traffic priority gives you delay protection for a while.

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