Saturday, March 4, 2017

What is the Huffington Post's opinion?

Before Meeting With Muslim Constituents, Lawmaker Asks If They Beat Their Wives

Wiki  says:

Domestic violence is considered by many to be a problem in Muslim-majority cultures,[46] but because women hide their bruises and don't report domestic abuse to authorities, the incidence in many Muslim-majority countries is uncertain, but believed to be great by Muslim feminists.[47] According to Pamela K. Taylor, co-founder of Muslims for Progressive Values, such violence is not part of the religion, but rather more of a cultural aspect.[48] In the academic publication Honour, Violence, Women and Islam edited by Mohammad Mazher Idriss and Tahir Abbas, it is said that there is no authority in the Quran for the type of regular and frequent acts of violence that women experience from their abusive husbands. Furthermore, the actions of many Muslim husbands lack the expected level of control in two elements from the verse, admonishment and separation.[49] The separation dictates not only the physical separation, but also abstinence from marital sex.
Wiki says its cultural.  They have a map, and waddya know the islamic culture and wife beating culture coincide.

Now the Huffington Post seems upset because the Congress Critter wants to check, make sure he isn;t hanging around wife beaters.  But Arianna Huffington evidently thinks wife beaters simply have a bit of a quirk and must have their safe place.

So, all citizens, by order of the Huffington Post, go find a wife beater, protect him in his safe place, tell him, its OK, we like wife beaters.  Which is, of course, what liberals do, just  make shit up to fit the moment.

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