Saturday, April 30, 2022

Time to dump the union

George P. Bush: Time for a declaration of invasion in Texas

Still trying to blow shia sky high

Second bombing in two days in Kabul on eve of Eid al-Fitr holiday

One might think Iran, head shia government, might be a bit pissed.

The Ruskie military will pause to see the outcome

UNDER THE KNIFE Putin ‘to undergo cancer operation and hand power to hardline ex-spy chief’, says ‘Kremlin insider’ in shock claim

Conscripts are not going to fight for a prez who may die in a few days.  Nor will insiders support a Stalinist replacement. How do the Ruskies let themselves get into these predicaments?

Russians do not want to be a Chinese colony

China Calls Russia Relationship a ‘New Model’ for the World

Likely one of the forces in the internal rebellion. Why is Putin converting to the Chinese standard when Russians want the western model.  Stalinism is not popular in Ukraine, Russia, Georgia nor Belarus. Ig leads to servitude, in this case servitude to China and it is not going to be popular.  It is a major Putin blunder and that is his existential crisis.

He nudged his Overton

Gov. Newsom: Maybe it was a mistake to shut down California's last nuclear plant

Environmentalism is not pastel colors and clean jobs.

Anti Stalinist rebellion in Russia?

 A lot of mysterious industrial explosions in and around Moscow. 

Maybe Putin underestimated the value of Stalinism. Insider discontent among the industrial managers is widespread. To them war appropriations are a direct loss and it may often be preferable to blow the inventories and be done with the Stalinist grabbing it. There economy is down 10%, depression levels. Business better off shutting down than endure war losses.

Putin really frigged up badly. That economy had a narrow corridor and if Putin pushed it way outside of sustainability it will collapse.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Ca politicians may be getting tiny clue

California promised to close its last nuclear plant. Now Newsom is reconsidering

Like an earthquake we are all stunned at the actual clue process in action. Let us not prejudge, but marvel at Gavin wandering near the edge of the Overton window.

Putin you friggen idiot

Biden Seeks to Rob Putin of His Top Scientists With Visa Lure 
  • Proposal would waive certain visa requirements for Russians 
  • U.S. enticing experts in semiconductors, cybersecurity, space
This is a disaster for Ruskie coning right at the point Putin has gone full Stalin with the secret police. The Ruskie here today will be defecting faster than cat on a hot tin roof.

Wait until the Californians hear about this

Police shortage prompts Capitol to begin using security contractors

In the capital, under their nose.

A bit of the babe

She has the Goldie Hawn gushing giggle.

She is our new minister of government liars. Sounds like one of those California color genderizing jobs.

Evolution by religion

Blast kills more than 50 at Kabul mosque, its leader says

The Sunni have been blowing up Shia lately in Afghanistan.  They do a lot of that in Pakistan also. It is the Sunni camel jockey mindset. This is why we have the arc of shia across the Middle east, to keep the camel jockeys contained in arabia.

Shocker at the markets

 Well, another three points down.

I give it a 6 on the 10 point Egad Scale.

Ten year yields are up again closing in on 3 points. Deadly range for federal budget.  

Half my readership

FBI Conducted Potentially Millions of Searches of Americans’ Data Last Year, Report Says

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Bernie, been senator from the tiny state for 87 years.


Ran for prez seventeen times, never got past New Hampshire.

Hey, nice pair Kyrsten

Kyrsten Sinema Boasts of Charming GOP Colleagues With ‘Cleavage,’ Book Claims

And the bleached blond look is a great complement. I mean, you can't flaunt boob without bleached hair, ask Marjorie Greene.

The black rimmed goggle balance just right with the bleach, and make you smarter than your boobs would indicate.  The purple works here, along with a show of thigh.

They got into an ugly contest

Democrat admits ‘unparliamentary language’ after criticism of Greene

I should be banned.

Joe wants to sneak in a jobs program for California

\Biden’s Ukraine Aid Risks Slowdown as GOP Balks at Covid Tie-In

The sooner we can dump Biden, the sooner we can run the Californians out of the Swamp. CA is causing more crap then Joe can handle.

The Swamp has an official liar

New DHS Disinformation Head Dismissed Hunter Biden Emails as ‘Trump Campaign Product’

I find it hard to take her seriously since he is obliged to lie. If you ask her: "Is that really true" then she blows steam out of her ears.

And we will get a Banana Republic prez from Florida

Stagflation arrives? GDP falls in Q1, but ...

California is likely to fail and we have no Jerry Brown to save the day. There is no more Federal Welfare to bail out Gavin, and Gavin is basically clueless.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

32 states vs California

States Join Forces To Tackle Border Crisis And Cartel-Related Crime

Kamala was supposed to bring logic to the problem.   From the first day she started running for prez we knew she had the California problem.  Everyone figured this out except Biden.  Now the CA cartel problem will cost Dems their majority/

Putin will nuke my hometown

VLAD'S NUKE THREAT Vladimir Putin warns he WILL use nukes against West in ‘lightning fast’ strike if anyone interferes in Ukraine

I shoulda been nicer.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Rand Paul needs some history lessons

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) pushed Secretary of State Antony Blinkenon Tuesday over the risks of expanding the NATO military alliance, saying that Russia has in recent decades invaded countries that “were part of Russia.”

From memory alone I think Kiev preceded Russia by 700  years.  Moscow just inherited the Mongol dynasty.  But Ukraine was battled over by various Euro powers and no one can claim victory.  Russia after the USSR dissolution has no more claim than Lithuania has of Ukraine.

Tell Rand that history is a few clicks away on the Wiki site.

Dismal day in the markets

 Markets down almost 3 points, Treasury bonds dump almost 20 Bp. Google missed on earnings. B of A has been giving recession warnings. GDPNow is closing at .4 point growth. And the Fed unprepared.

Public pensions in California will severely restrict hiring. Worse, they are being hit with at least 5 points of COLA in 2023. State capital gains taxes ill be missing. 

Bernanke's lesson: We cannot bailout CA from the Central Bank orfice.   Most of those bonds on the sheet are failed investments in CA. The Fed will have to declare losses on that portfolio or else ingest another 8 trillion in extend and pretend. 

California has no politician with enough brains to explain this to us all out here. Our econ professors have a severe conflict of interest. Repubs out here are mostly hiding from Trump except a clueless McCarthy.

A better VP would certainly help Biden

Poll: 58% would take "none of the above" in a Biden-Trump rematch


Putin gets what he didn’t want: Ukraine army closer to West

Monday, April 25, 2022

Latin American dictators and their police forces

DeSantis signs bill creating one of the nation’s only election police units

We are becoming a banana republic.

A deflationary day in the markets

 Ten year drops 10 Bp, oil below 100, metals and Btc down but stocks break even.  Like everyone wants another confirmation bias on the next inflation report.

How's the California protocol working for the Dems

Dem Pollster Issues Frantic Warning on Midterms

The California political class doe not think this far ahead.  Joe knew he had a problem from the start, so did Jill and Janet. Now the Dems are fubar for one simple reason, dumb ass California teachers.

Natural gas is all scaredy pooh

John Kerry: I'm putting natural gas "on notice"

Median state theorem

Poll: Manchin’s popularity skyrocketed over past year

The median states are the center of our government structure. They make the most efficient use of federal funding and rule the roost.

Shoot sheriff deputies and save on pension costs

Sheriff encourages homeowners to shoot burglars to ‘save taxpayers money’

But who pays the medical bills if either survive?

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Californians ruin Christmas

Biden White House preps for pain of GOP victories in November, familiar face returns

Do not run with a California platform, Joe was warned again and again. Flyover voters are not going to vote support for California meth cartels.

Scott Walker, socialist welfare bum

The village of Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin, is still dealing with the fallout of the infamous Foxconn deal the state struck in 2017. Former Governor Scott Walker promised the Taiwan-based tech giant $3 billion in state subsidies in exchange for a state-of-the-art factory to be built in Mount Pleasant, and said that the deal would generate 13,000 high-paying jobs.

No different than the welfare bums we have in California, same stupidity. 

Kamala is a Dem disaster

"A slow-rolling Greek tragedy"

A dim witted color-genderizer from California. The last thing we need in the Swamp.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Of two minds

Now Russian state media have latched onto a bizarre explanation for
Putin's decision to back off—that the steel plant is teeming with Western mercenaries and even senior NATO officers.

On Friday, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov declared: “The remainder of Ukrainian nationalists from the Azov regiment… together with foreign mercenaries from the United States and European countries, are securely blockaded on the territory of the Azovstal plant.”

Euro and USA special forces have one overwhelming motive, they love this stuff and all of them want to go in and advise. This is what they do.

And the hope of de-escalation, a cease fire.  The two forces cancel, or clash. This could turn into farce with foreign services having no other motive than to experiment against the Ruskie military.  This is the worst for Putin to become mockery.

Confusion in the ranks

Ukraine: Russians try to storm Mariupol plant, strike Odesa

First the Ruskie claimed victory in Mariupol, and decided to avoid storming preferred to send their elite units back east. Then Kelenskyy said no deal.  Russian trick? No, this was the Russian military dithering for a de facto cease fire.

More likely what we see is obvious, a general retreat of the Ruskie, west to east in the opposite direction they attacked.  They are increasingly pincered and stuck in the east and their southern flank is wearing thin and they lost the north. Ruskie lost this battle. Putin needs to get a cease fire ASAP.

A hundred and twenty years old



More drone

Switchblade Drone Maker in Direct Talks With Ukraine Over Sales 

Small air launched suicide UAV. Shoulder launched, great for assassinating Iranian generals and Pompous US war mongers.  This is the level of war these days bursting out at just about the right time. Wait until we see UAVs in air to air combat coming to a TV screen near you.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Market shock

Today was an exaggerated drop into the red, nearly 3 points.  A bit shocking and indication the bears are winning.

My new musical theme song

 We got


costs accelerating

growth degenerating

too, We got the

Stagnatation Blues.


The new musical is called:

Dismal Economics


Russians shift elite units to the new battleground

They will shift south leaving the eastern front.  The ruskie military wants shift and delay to catch up on logistics.  They are on the losing side of a Grant v Lee flanking battle.

Advice to the dems

 Find  sound dem governor from a median state for prez.

Do not send a bunch of delusional californians storming Iowa.


2 Russian Oligarchs Found Dead Just One Day Apart

And Putin is near death while squeezing the powder puff bottle. His military is none too pleased, the eastern assault withering. Ruskie has a problem in the palace.

Putin from the bunker

Prominent Russian TV presenter says war 'against Europe and the world' is on the way following Moscow's invasion of Ukraine

Putin is losing

  • Insiders are against and see the country being set back for decades
  • Ukraine supplied by NATO now outguns Ruskie in heavy weapons
  • Ukraine bots wreak havoc on convoys
  • Putin got caught digging mass graves again.
  • Putin is surrounded by a small group of nutty hardliners.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

The maniacal look

Done propping up a bully: Kamala Harris' Chief of Staff is leaving

Never choose national leaders from California. This woman is an absolute disaster for Joe, his career is over.

Something in my browser cut off her head.

Joe cannot win with Harris

Biden, Harris going on in-person fundraising blitz

Ukraine adopting Israeli strategy

Russia's Largest Chemical Plant Engulfed In Flames Hours After Mystery Fire At Military Research Facility

Putin is a dunce.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Monday, April 18, 2022

The indusrtrial is bombed out

Russia launches fight for industrial heartland, Ukraine says

And in the newest offensive I count five Ruskie tanks knocked out. The mechanized units facing a buzz saw of automatic UAV.  Ruskie cannot win this The logistic cost of the drones, even the near misses set track misaligned or turret jammed. Repairs on the road is hugely expensive for tracked vehicles. And they bomb these small towns to smitherenes and loose cover.

The Ruskie military office is not that dumb and knows this mess. is unsustainable.  Generals getting killed does not help.

She seems a dumb as Trump!

Le Pen vows to keep Russia close to prevent an alliance with China

She is clueless and confused and making stuff up.  A combination of Kamala and Trump.

The Putin wing of the GOP

Trump Jr. to stump for Vance in Ohio ahead of father’s rally

Informing the citizens of the profound joy of Putin dictators.

This whole fiasco is about Hillary and her hurt feelings


The whole issue was settled by the Supremes a long time ago according to the First Amendment.

But when Deversity means some dumb gal gets her feeling hurt and we have to have the Supremes go off base to satisfy the Diversity crowd then you know we got problems.,

Only if I get a big fat check out of the deal.

Democrats prepare to take second run at Biden spending plan

Send me two grand and I also get another big fat COLA on my gubment check.

Another one bites the dust

Pakistan’s Government Needs IMF Bailout Fast to Stave Off Crisis.   Pakistan’s 5-year default risk is near the highest since 2013

Californians are none too popular

Democrats are now fighting over how Biden's agenda imploded

The other states have only so much patience for bailing out California.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Trumped got impeached for that error


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Sunday suggested that Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if the U.S. provided weapons to Kyiv sooner.

“This is going to get stronger and rougher and what really needs to happen is, Ukraine is not asking for American men and women to fight, all they’re asking for is the weapons to defend themselves,” McCarthy told Fox News chief Washington correspondent Mike Emanuel on “Fox News Sunday.”

Kevin really means Trumpsters are friggen idiots.  Donald Trump and his Bakersfield supporters blundered this quite badly.  Even today Trump still supports Putin in the war.

The gods are getting high today

 This holiday is an allegory for the rise of christianity hundred years post his death. A long period of letter writing and religious debates predate the rise of formal doctrine. Church bureaucrats writing in their own academy award two hundred years after the fact.  They get all the ratings crowd from spring festivals.

Joe kowtows to the Californians

Biden administration politically tone deaf on immigration issues

Joe looks to be stuck. His administration is over run by the CA mob. My advice is plan on a single term. The rest of us can choose between an alternative Dem o9r four years of a Wannabe Latin American TinHorn Dictator.  

We voters need take a stand, no Californians, no Texans, and certainly no mass shooting Floridians.

Repubs are batting 1/3 in my hometown

Kevin McCarthy headlines Fresno GOP fundraiser dinner honoring Lincoln, Reagan, Trump

Nearly the same voters who gave us Devin Nunes and the cardboard cows.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Seems clear on the Second

 That amendment guarantees me the right to a hired gun, public or private. 'Have gun will travel' is the Second. My demand is regulated, spelt right in. That means they have the badge and training.  I am buying that, not the local gang.

This interpretation is woven into the framework as the founders could not leave the people unable to support lawful militia. The amendment implies a gun industry, the second part, right to bear,  means a service that runs a safe armory, knows the local law, keeps their members trained in accordance, possess proper badges for movement and carry.

My right, Mr. Hogg's right, the right of every high school in Florida. The right to contract a fast response, lawfully armed, badged swat team. In the news paper, off duty cops welcome.

Putin's professional army has no skin

 Pre and post soviet, there has been no major military beef with Ukraine, mostly trade, a lot of it military, gas and EU. And the Russian officers know they are attacking their own supply as the military trade never really stopped. The war ends in a local military cease fire for the simple reason Russian officers see Ukraine as an ally.

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Ukrainains will learn to shoot down bombers.

Over 900 civilians dead around Kyiv, Russia vows new attacks

Put air to air missiles on the UAVs.  Western Ukraine is a war machine powered by NATO arsenal. The spies, industry reps, and soldiers running this train and develop and fire industry. Ukraine already had manufactured much of the Russian arsenal, they know it.

Putin's army will arrange its own cease fire and let the palace coup proceed.   Putin needs to cut a deal and exit. He can be irrelevant given the state on the battlefield.  

They are all heading to AOC's district

Biden administration resumes after-dark migrant flights to airport outside NYC

For a few months till they hitch a ride to California.

Drone deliveries

Mexican Drug Cartels Launched 9,000 Drone Incursions Into US Airspace

Defacto disunion

Texas governor strikes deal with Mexican state expected to ease truck traffic jams

The federales are no longer ion charge of the Texas border.  Texas handles its own foreign affairs and they manage their own oil and gas exports.  Next up, Texas will want its own currency and banking system.

I doubt we are all that scarfed

Moscow Warns US In Diplomatic Letter: Arming Ukraine To Result In "Unpredictable Consequences"

But Zelenskyy mentioned the possibility.

I watched the Death of Stalin and Ruskie can be fairly psychotic in a crisis.

Neither was Reagan

Joe Biden Is Not Normal

Both being boneheads in dementia.  

Lil Bush was an ignorant deer in the headlights, known for profound stupidity. Not to mention Lyndon Johnson or Richard Nixon.  Our government blunders badly and goes broke regularly as a result. That is the good news. 

Maybe Ruskie is having a long term battle with stupid

TV presenter Olga Skabeyeva said in Rossiya 1 that “what it’s escalated into can safely be called World War III,” adding that “now we’re definitely fighting against NATO infrastructure, if not NATO itself. We need to recognize that,” the Mirror reported
 Military commentator Dmitry Drozdenko reportedly said on state-run Channel 1: “In actual fact, a full-scale multi-level war is underway with the collective West. And the West has long been preparing for the war.”

Tu understand the situation consider that we had a President Kamala.   Hard to make strategy when stupid is in charge.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

That lost cruiser in the Black Sea was the Russian air defense for the southern front

 The south is free roam for Ukraine UAVs and MIGs.

Putin still has one army northeast that is stuck in the middle of Ukraine. All the other forces dithering in Russia while we have a palace coup. Each week sees Putin weaker. He has no command over his armies.

Putin cannot pull off a small win by Ruskie armed forces day in May., By then Russian news will be filled with funerals. Shelves mostly empty.  He should have taken the 'No NATO'  p;ledge and one home ASAP.

Diane is a walking pretzel

Does it shock anyone, really, to learn that 88-year-old veteran US Sen. Dianne Feinstein is exhibiting signs of dementia?

Her aides walk her from spot to spot where she creaks a bit then walk her back to bed. She is still more insightful than Kamala.

Gas prices and homlessness

California voters say state is moving in the wrong direction, feel financial squeeze

It takes energy to avoid the poor.

Someone is dispensing the puff powder at the Kremlin.

Rumor: Russian defense minister had massive heart attack, and maybe not from natural causes

I imagine cabinet meetings are sparsely attended. Putin reaches a point when soldiers in the field wait out the palace coup before doing anything.  The army machine bett off waiting for the 'dust' to settle in the Kremlin.

Putin's other reversal

 He did not plan to switch trade to China and India suddenly, had no clue. 

Snarl number two. This is not a long term popular move in Ruskie.  When everyone gets stuck suddenly then you  goofed.

Putin has a short time line, May 9

 Rumor in the press somewhere.

That does not work, he has snarled things badly he needs six months. The man seems unaware of the great logistics snarl he has created overnight. His convoy in the east is not ready, it is still repairing and collecting good vehicles. Their troops doing what they can to stall the grand march. 

Something went frig in Putin's brain sure of it. They have a King George moment with Hitler in the bunker and one lousy Mussolini.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

I thought it was legal in NY

Hochul faces tough choices after Lt. Gov. Benjamin's arrest and resignation in New York 

The high-profile case puts Gov. Kathy Hochul in a difficult position as she seeks a full term this year while tethered to Brian Benjamin.

Out here the unions and trial lawyers own the racket. 

The main problem for Guv Achooy is finding an honest replacement.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The FSB was Putin's creation

Putin purges more than 100 FSB agents in apparent retaliation amid Ukraine invasion quagmire

He used it to apportion the kleptocracy.

No one there was spying about the invasion. US officials just noted the temporary stop in kleptocracy and figured Putin was serious.

Wizard of Oz

Allusions to 19th-century America[edit]

Many decades after its publication, Baum's work gave rise to a number of political interpretations, particularly in regards to the 19th-century Populist movement in the United States.[45] In a 1964 American Quarterly article titled "The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism",[46] educator Henry Littlefield posited that the book served an allegory for the late 19th-century bimetallism debate regarding monetary policy.[47][48] Littlefield's thesis achieved some support but was widely criticized by others.[49][50][51] Other political interpretations soon followed. In 1971, historian Richard J. Jensen theorized in The Winning of the Midwest that "Oz" was derived from the common abbreviation for "ounce", used for denoting quantities of gold and silver. 

Was the American author writing an allegory about current monetary politics?   I would expect him to grab whatever interesting plot might sell. Good authors reflect their current themes because it sells.  This author was good at his business likely wrote in the most popular debates. Like comedians, always pick the popular them and satirize it with neutrality.

Russian economy in shock

Economy smaller than California now looking at three fronts, Syria, Ukraine and northern Europe. A demographics crisis with fewer than half true Russian.  Imports shut almost overnight. And endogenous shocks from war displacements and sudden reversals. Ukraine still blowing up convoys in the east. Half his armies in the east destroyed.  Belarus on the edge, NATO beefed up all around. All the Baltice siding with Ukraine.

The greatest blunder in Russian history.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Bush family scheme, Clinton, Kennedy had them,


The Biden family scheme unravels

Did I miss any? 

The Bush family is on their fourth generation. The Clinton  scheme petered out with Epstein and Pedo Island.

Yes we have just before we defaulted on gold

Hedge Fund CIO: "We Have Never Experienced An Economic Cycle That Looks Anything Like This"

It is time to devalue, somehow. The question is will be blunder the attempt or do it proper.

Standard practice in the Swamp

Hunter Biden frequently covered family expenses, texts reveal

Hunter kicked back 30% to dad.  

I have no idea why progressives think they can get progressive policies with this kind of graft as standard practice.  We should legalize it so every dumb ass central planner can obviously see  Swamp failures.  Now we have Kamala on the take from Silicon Valley tech companies. Soon even AOC will throw in the towel and grab her share.  

A nation wide tax rebellion solves much of this.

Larry Summer on potential recession: ‘Nothing is inevitable or certain in economics

Except graft in the Swamp and  regular recessions, generally when we switch regimes.  And the generational default is like clockwork.

Evacuate the hospitals


Putin's new general specializes in bombing hospitals.

He is old and his VP is a mightmare

Fauci: No particular reason to fear for Biden's health

If he runs with Kamala, he will lose and Fauci will finally leave government. But it is not worth the risk. We are frigged and we will end up with a wannabe, latin american tin horn dictator.

NRO would prefer Biden over Trump

The First Refuge of a Scoundrel 

From Imran Khan to Donald Trump to Hillary Rodham Clinton, beware those who cloak themselves in patriotism to avoid political embarrassment. 
With the possible exception of having Kamala  in second spot.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Who is the Tinman?

Trump Backs Dr. Oz in Key Senate Endorsement for Midterms
Yes, Trump is the cowardly lion.

Th same officials have been stealing prsonal property since the founding

Officials Seizing Russian Yachts Now May Steal Americans' Property in the Future

From Native Americans eight down to middle class workers.  The money mostly goes to special people favored by the current set of politicians.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Not yet regrouping

Putin Army Regroups for Ukraine Showdown After Invasion Setback

    Right now they are lost in a railroad maze, many deserting.  They find all sort of excuses to delay and dither.  Their vehicles are stuck on the wrong side anyway, so let the vehicle go first. And most of those need repair.  

    The oligarchs need a defacto truce, let the Russians return back to base, agree to nothing, a cease fire. Can the oligarch get Putin to sign on to that?  Regrouping is a year long process, not something Putin can do in mid war.

    Americans much more likely to consider Trump a Russian Spy


    Tucker Carlson and the Putin crew will be having their Vietnam moment.

    Wednesday, April 6, 2022

    The redhead is skipping town

    Jen Psaki must resign. Immediately.

    This talking head I have never listened to.
    A bit of the babe, top twenty. She has the stare down going for her. Blue coat works well here with the cleavage.

    Tuesday, April 5, 2022

    Lyndon Putin is having a Vietnam moment

    Fury in Ukraine at Russian troops’ barbarity

    The fury extends to Ruskies in the Ukraine who were never friends f Putin to begin with. He is gonna get a bigger anti-war move in Ruskie proper and the oligarchs think they get a better deal in the West. He miscalculated badly.

    Monday, April 4, 2022

    Overestimating Putin and the oligarchs

     This is not real existential for the oligarchs. They can gain partial legitimacy regardless of outcome, time has passed.  Russian trade has much to gain from a neutral Ukraine and the oligarchs on either side know this.  Russia, is about half the federation, and that half is about to thirds the size of California.  Their future in with the EU, they know it. In Belarus, about 90% support the EU over the federation.

    The oligarchs will relent, it is business, it is where the trade is. Putin will do what the oligarchs vote for.

    Count me skeptical

    Taliban announces official ban on poppy cultivation

    I think poppy has become a Talibunny monopoly.

    Sunday, April 3, 2022

    Kim No Dong speaks up

    Kim’s sister enraged by Seoul’s preemptive strike comments

    I prefer AOC as number one babe. 
    Little Miss No Dong certainly gets in the top ten.

    Friday, April 1, 2022

    Putin is a bit unhinged, they say

     Quite the blunder for an intelligent man. Hints he is dying of cancer.

    That is why the yanks invented checks and balance, to keep the nuts caged.


    An anxiety about government agents. I suffer it. 

    Putin is as stupid as Trump

    Putin’s Pyrrhic Victory
    Russia’s Setbacks in Eastern Ukraine Show Why It Can’t Win the Wider War

    Russia ethnics want to stay with Ukraine after they saw what a total fuck up Donald Putin is and was.  The Trump/Putin partnership is fucking up Trump as badly as it is fucking up Putin. Two of the same dufas.