Sunday, January 2, 2011

More Fibonacci

Check out the New Scientist, they are reposting the fly into a black hole simulation.  I swear I see the Fibonacci affect here as stars swirl around. Would light at the edges of the black hole obey the state switching mode, adding in the extra quants to cover the jumping between two energy levels?  Notice the Fibonacci tree, there is a spiral phase shift going on.

If we traced a trade path from China to Australia, would we see a Fibonacci spiral as the commodities trade contracted?

Wiki says:
A digit sequence with rank r may be formed either by adding the digit 2 to a sequence with rank r − 2, or by adding the digit 1 to a sequence with rank r − 1. If ƒ(r) is the function that maps r to the number of different digit sequences of that rank, therefore, ƒ satisfies the recurrence relation ƒ(r) =ƒ(r − 2) +ƒ(r − 1) defining the Fibonacci numbers, but with slightly different initial conditions: ƒ(0) = ƒ(1) = 1 (there is one rank-0 string, the empty string, and one rank-1 string, consisting of the single digit 1. These initial conditions cause the sequence of values of ƒ to be shifted by one position from the Fibonacci numbers: ƒ(r) = Fr + 1 where Fi denotes the ith Fibonacci number.

So, what is going on in China? A commodities downshift is working its way through the trade network by keeping the trade network one quant off balance, following a norm that minimizes the number of partial state changes through the transition. So the commodities trade spirals down rather than making the sudden jump, a planned slowdown, so to speak. Probably indicative of the nature of Chinese regulation.

Back to physics:
Physicists may soon create artificial black holes in the laboratory, analogous to the ones expected to lurk in distant space. A new study by a pair of theorists in Sweden describes how swirling clouds of atoms could slug down all nearby light, making them as black as their astronomical cousins.
Those crazy Swedes again.

Why would we make swirl while flying into a black hole? Because imprecision means we cannot fly directly to the hole center, as we approach, we are offset from center by a quant otherwise the entanglement won't quantize distribute imprecision. So the production rank must be shifted according to the angle around the hole event horizon.

In channel theory here are the steps: 1) Describe the smooth version which introduces initial conditions 2) Introduce imprecision by computing the Gibbs separation 3) Quantize the entanglement (compute the bounded functions) to make the imprecision realized.

Doesn't this analysis predict the Hawking's radiation quantization distributes imprecision around the hole perimeter as the observer approaches? Where is that Hawking's guy, he should be doing this job.

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