Saturday, January 22, 2011

The predicted arangement of political states under minimal requantization

Consider the case that that congressional districts reorganize and return a unicameral legislature of one representative per group.  What is the predicted configuration?

The extremes are one group per district, each district gets one representative, and the other extreme is one state, one senator.  The actual solution will be some combinatoric sum equal to the number of state.  I could wait for the mathematicians to publish their paper, or take a shot myself.  My claim is that the distribution will be a sampled version of this or this lognormal.  As a sampled spectrum if say the spectral spreads overlap by 15%.
 Take the wealth distribution as lognormal, and fit it with a discrete set of overlapped gaussian samplers.  Take the resulting wealth segments and fit them to the best approximation of contiguous group of districts.

So, I assume the aggregate economy is a maximum entropy wealth production network.  Further the minimal government arrives with the same accuracy of the aggregate economy at equilibrium, 15%.  The I find the best term definitions across geography that match maximum efficiency and is completely coherent.

Stopping there, I do the eyeball guess and figure we will have about 5 super wealthy, 20 city states, with 15 suburban states, and 10 large rural states.   The median group gets median services at median price.

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