Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I blame John Perez for California poverty

Rob Lapsley, president of the California Business Roundtable, said that the wage issue was an important measure that would affect all regions of the state. - See more at: http://www.foxandhoundsdaily.com/2013/06/wage-issue-overshadows-biz-moving-inout-of-ca/#sthash.rinFJ4Qj.dpuf
Joel Fox reviewing a UCLA research study
Carlos Bruno looks deeper:
Looking at age, we see the red flag: individuals are coming to California in their early 20’s and not sticking around. We find that only college-age individuals see a net in-migration into California; all other groups witness a net out-migration, with the 40-to-54 age group — those in the prime of their professional careers — having the highest level of net out-migration. Despite college age individuals experiencing a net in-migration, the drop-off in the 25-to-39 age group suggests that these individuals are not staying within the state, likely due to the high cost of living in California and/or the lack of employment.
Cost of living too high?
Cost of living is extremely high in California. A recent analysis on home prices and migration by Trulia chief economist, Jed Kolko, provides some useful insight. The California median home price per square foot in 2012 was $229. Texas’s median home price per square foot was $84 — just 37% of California’s median. While it’s more correlation than causation, the Trulia analysis shows just how closely connected relative home prices in California (to the nation as a whole) is to net out-migration.

I blame John because he is the clueless leader of the State House, he knows perfectly well that his policies are doing the damage, he and Darrel Steinberg.  The problem in essence is simple, our connection with the national Democratic party.  Things we do, call them progressive, are not that harmful.  But when Cal pols go to DC,  they recreate the  same crap as a national program then the crap boomerangs back here in mighty multipliers less than one..

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